"The writing group conferred to TM a Class IIB, Level of Evidence B 
recommendation in regard to BP-lowering efficacy. TM may be considered in 
clinical practice to lower BP. Because of many negative studies or mixed 
results and a paucity of available trials, all other meditation techniques 
(including MBSR) received a Class III, no benefit, Level of Evidence C 
recommendation Thus, other meditation techniques are not recommended in 
clinical practice to lower BP at this time."

As usual, "more research needed," but it's a change from the "no consistent 
effect found for any form of meditation" that has been the result of the last 
few mainstream meta-analyses of the topic.

Once head-to-head studies between meditation techniques become more common, I'm 
sure another report will be forthcoming, and with this new report, every 
proponent-researcher of MBSR will be scrambling to include TM in future 
research just so they can prove that their form of meditation really is better.

Stay tuned.


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