Packed up my stuff this morning and moved from one Airbnb apartment to
the next, getting to see it and leave my suitcase there before I
officially move in on Sunday. I've been Airbnb-ing it here because I'd
forgotten what a nightmare it is trying to rent an apartment in Paris if
you're not French...landlords and real estate people think nothing of
demanding a full year's rent in advance, and that's just not going to

So I've been doing the Airbnb thang, renting different apartments for
1-2 week periods. It's actually been fun, because I've gotten to live in
several different neighborhoods and thus get a feel for what it would be
like to live there long-term.

Anyway, the only reason for this rap is that the latest one is a real
find -- it's large, spacious (a rarity in itself in Paris) and has a
private garden (a *remarkable* rarity in Paris). I look forward to
spending the next couple of weeks being able to have my coffee and
croissants there instead of a cafe,  and being able to kick back in the
garden on these warm Spring nights.

Also, this latest apartment comes with built-in pussy.

No, I haven't followed in the footsteps of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and
moved into a brothel. (Although I would in a heartbeat if such a housing
opportunity was made available to me.) It's just that this apartment
comes with a cat.

It's a nice cat, and used to being on its own most of the time, so my
cat-sitting duties will be minimal. It'll actually be nice to have some
company as I enjoy the garden.

That's all. Nothing more to see here...move along. Just another morning
in My Kinda Paradise...

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