plenty of biases Ravi.  We all do what you describe below to a greater
or lesser extent.  I don't see any need to make heavy weather about it. 
Aside from taking common sense steps for personal, family, and business
safety, what I have discovered as a technique of spiritual growth is to
suspend judgment about many things.  In that way my mind stays open, and
I become aware of some deeper mechanics at work in a given situation or
snapshot of life.  If that sounds too vague, I am sorry, and it is not
entirely clear to me either.  Although I have not read the Carlos
Castenadas books for some time, I think it may be something he also
alludes to.  Sort of like looking at something not straight one, but in
a more peripheral way.

--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 6:54 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@...wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
> > snip
> >
> > > Curtis baby - I'm at peace with my mind's judgement biases i.e my
> > > racism, it doesn't prevent me from calling it as I see it nor
> > > people I judge with empathy. I don't cloak my burdens and guilt
> > > self-righteousness while promoting an ol' boy, White Mid-Western
> >
> > A step in the right direction. Kudos to you Ravi for admitting your
> > biases.
> >
> Yeah Steve bay - you got any biases, judgment of your own to share?
> If my mind analyzes data and lets me know that I may be robbed or get
> harmed if I go a certain part of the city - what do I do with it. My
> is very logical, analytical and presents the data in a clear fashion.
> So what do I do with it - with the complex feelings - the burden,
guilt of
> such information? Surely the human mind is a beautiful creation. Do I
> myself frozen, cloak myself with self-righteousness - is it possible
for me
> retain this, accept this and still meet with a person with love and
> empathy? Is there a difference between me and the self-righteous
> who wrap themselves in their self-righteousness and use every
situation to
> stamp others as racists? Or do I end up as a conservative who just
> in their overt racism and hatred?
> Is such a state possible - to be accepting of myself, my mind's
> biases, fears, anxieties yet to be alive, open, receptive, loving and
> empathetic?
> Is it something your mind can wrap around - the complexities of it?
> > It doesn't sound like we're going to hear from Judy on the subject.
> >
> > And they may be just as well, considering whatever it was she was
> > to say regarding the challenge to her honesty.
> >
> > That was a remarkable post Curtis.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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