Vancouver Island politicians vote to ban GMOs  
<> By Luke Simcoe
<> Metro Victoria  Share this
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ote-to-ban-gmos/#> Istock Images In Canada, we do not require GMO
labelling.    Related:
    * Comments pour in about Canadian genetically modified salmon
    * Queen of Green: The history behind genetically modified foods

If the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities gets its
way, genetically modified crops will no longer be welcome on Island

The collective of regional politicians voted Sunday to ban GMO food and
seeds. The motion, put forth by Metchosin Coun. Moralea Milne
<> ,
passed by an overwhelming margin.

"Perhaps five people voted against it," Milne said.
    * Comments pour in about Canadian genetically modified salmon
    * Queen of Green: The history behind genetically modified foods

After explaining her opposition to GMOs, Milne heard a "rumble of
dissatisfaction" from Al Seabring, a councillor from North Cowichan.
However, to her surprise, Seabring endorsed the idea, and said it should
be extended to all of B.C.

Although she's "very proud" of the motion, Milne admits that
it's mostly a symbolic gesture. AVICC will move the motion to the
Union of B.C. Municipalities, but it is not likely to garner much

"The twist with this is that UBCM doesn't really respond to
regional issues," she said. "I might have to tweak it somehow to
bring it to them, maybe make the motion for the entire province."

Milne told Metro she's skeptical about scientific reports that
suggest GMO crops are harmless.

"Most of the science that comes out of the industry, I trust it as
much as I trust the science that came from the tobacco industry when
they said tobacco was safe," she said. "We need better science
out there done by non-interested parties."

GMO seeds, such as Monsanto's Roundup Ready
<>  brand,
cannot be harvested for multiple seasons, and must be purchased every
year. Milne says that can lead to problems associated with mono-cropping
<> .

"I just don't like the idea of a corporation owning seeds,"
she said.

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