My current café is on the rive gauche (the previous one was on the
other side of the Seine, rive droit). I always wondered who figured out
which way one should be *facing* to determine "left bank" and "right
bank" with regard to a river.

This one is far more crowded, but that has a charm in itself. The couple
at the table across from me (two women, holding hands and kissing) are
American, and speaking English. Maybe they're from one of those states
that have recently recognized the validity of gay marriage, and here on
their honeymoon.

The two guys on my left are from North Africa, but are speaking a
variety of what sounds a little like Arabic but with an accent and
pronunciations that I do not recognize; given their dark skin color,
they might be from Mali. The three young girls (late teens to early 20s
max) to my right are speaking Russian. It amazes me that I remember as
much of the language as I do, last having studied it in college. If they
knew I was understanding what they were saying, they might not be
talking so freely about the three guys they picked up and went home with
last night, and comparing their respective dick sizes and amatory
prowesses as animatedly as they are. :-)

The weather guys said that the day was going to warm up, but they were
lying. Call Judy. Somewhere in the universe there is a LIAR, and her
services are desperately needed. Maybe she should find the Internet
forum that weather guys hang out on and write 48 angry, defamatory posts
there, hounding them until they admit their dishonesty and APOLOGIZE
profusely to every sentient being in the universe. We all know that the
world would be a better place if that happened.

But chilly or not, it's still a holiday, and still Paris, both of which
more than make up for the weather. And weather is relative. The locals
and most of the tourists are bundled up, but the Scandinavian tourists
(judging from hair color, language, and the way they carry themselves)
are running around in T-shirts. For them this is balmy.

For Curtis, I was planning to try to see your friend Kuku perform at a
gallery called Goutte de Terre on Saturday, but I just looked up its
website and it looks as if they've lost their lease and closed.
Therefore I kinda assume that the gig is toast. Maybe next time.

Tonight I'm planning to go to a jazz joint I know of. I don't actually
know who is playing, but that matters to me less than the ambiance and
the history of the place. Miles has played there, and Coltrane, and
Keith Jarrett, and Pat Metheny, and even -- back in the day -- Django
Reinhart. That kinda vibe-iance can make up for even the crappiest jazz.

For now, I guess I'll go back to people-watching and send this off. I'm
just writing this up because the way I figure it, the more fun I have
with my day, and the more I share it on FFL, the faster some people here
will suffer from paroxysms of jealousy and post out. :-)

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