Good God, Curtis, again I'm skimming posts too much.  How did I miss that about 
the orgasmic platitudes?!  Hmmm, there must be some incredible workshops down 
there in San Diego.  Of course don't hold your breath expecting pRavi to tell 
us about them.  He's too afraid Ann will post websites, etc.

Anyway, riffing off of pRavi affection for the letter P, here's something about 
the Proud peeps who hopefully will NOT rally round!

Parsing Proud Judy
Punctuation Proud Emily  (all those capital letters!)
Plumpness Proud RD as in there is no reason to be careful about sugar, no 
obesity epidemic in US nor rise in childhood diabetes

Poop Proud Ann as in I see God in dog poop and I'd rather shovel horse poop 
than meditate

and last but not least
Puffing Pall Malls Proud pRavi

 From: curtisdeltablues <>
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 9:37 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: SLP - Updated

- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> For God's sake, what is your PROBLEM pRavi?  I happen to be a very PUNCTUAL 
> person.  And you keep ignoring that.  What's that about?  

I'm gunna have to throw in patient.

When you have Ravi claiming you are avoiding "reality" you must be thinking: Is 
this the issue where Superman has to fight the inhabitants of Reverso World?

L'll gem caught my eye:

Ravi speaking through grinding clenched teeth that somehow still spray spittle 
when he spits this out:

" some phony shit or expressing some titillation at some platitudes that make 
her come"

This is dark Ravi emerging.  Creepy.  And, I suspect, only the beginning...

But don't worry Share, I'm sure the FFL sisterhood will rally around and object 
to you being addressed this way...

> ________________________________
>  From: Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.ravi@...>
> To: "" <> 
> Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 12:54 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] SLP - Updated
> "How vicious and violent of her to suggest that you, along with the rest of 
> us, aren't guaranteed another *hour*, let alone 30 years."
> Hilarious - how Miss Sadie completely ignores the rest of Emily's message.
> If she was going to address anything from Emily's message it would have been 
> references to her being the psychological sadist/rapist. Or Emily's valid 
> points of how Miss Sadie, being a woman grossly misused the word "rape". Of 
> course she could have ignored it and as is her pattern she did.
> Her pattern when someone really goes after her is she sits on it for a couple 
> of days. Day 1, make a few posts - some phony shit or expressing some 
> titillation at some platitudes that make her come or her interest in some 
> latest fad or innocent questions on astrology, ayurveda or even if it's 
> something dumb - gotta keep the innocent, damsel-in-distress routine going.
> Anyway if she was going to address it I would have expected, from a normal, 
> sane person - a sincere yet strong rebuttal. Or hitting her back with irony 
> or even some phony behavior of hers where she thinks she has come up with 
> some cute joke.
> Pathetic Sadie or was it passive-aggressiveness of yours - one of your 5P's 
> of the Share Long Paradigm? Or is this a new P - Psychological-sadism?
> OMG - brilliant I may be but I think I missed this critical P. Here then is 
> the updated SLP of the SIX P's
> The Share Long Paradigm to avoid Reality
> 1) PHONY behavior
> 2) PARANOID delusional fantasies around cults, religion
> 3) Love of PLATITUDES - platitudes the prescription to avoid reality
> 4) When stressed -  PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVENESS
> 5) When highly stressed - PSYCHOLOGICAL-SADISM
> 6) PITTA-DERANGMENTS - blame #4, #5 on Pitta and/or related things like sugar
> On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 11:09 AM, authfriend <authfriend@...> wrote:
> >  
> >--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> >>
> >> As for my intentions and heart, I'll let my words from
> >> Sept 6 and 9 speak for themselves.
> >
> >
> They already have, unfortunately for you.
> >
> >
> >> That Robin then chose to bring our upset back onto FFL 
> >> still baffles me.
> >
> >
> It shouldn't have, given that he explained it to you
> >very thoroughly. Tomorrow I'll post what he said. Then
> >I'll post your response, and everyone will see yet
> >another demonstration of how well you deal with reality.
> >
> >That OK with you, Share? Think that'll be fun?
> >
> >
> >> Perhaps little fish enjoys, a bit too indulgently, 
> >> flapping his gills and watching 
> >> the resultant waves crashing.
> >
> >
> Or perhaps the piranha likes to project her own
> >unpleasant tendencies on her intended victims.
> >
> >
> >> As for Emily's posts, I don't see a lot of heart in
> >> them, especially when she wrote within a very
> >> belligerent post: you think you have 30 good years
> >> left? Think again. You might not have tomorrow...
> >
> >
> Oooooh, she's a-comin' to getcha, Share! Lock your
> >door, keep your head down and your cell phone charged
> >so you can call 911 when she shows up. How vicious and
> >violent of her to suggest that you, along with the rest
> >of us, aren't guaranteed another *hour*, let alone 30
> >years.
> >
> >What we keep forgetting is that nobody on FFL has
> >*legitimate* feelings but Share.
> >
> >
> >> And also still mired in Robin Fundamentalism, of course
> >> Judy's not buying it.  But what she's really afraid to
> >> even go into the store about, is the possibility that
> >> Robin made mistakes too and was also at fault.
> >
> >
> Judy has been through that store with a fine-toothed comb
> >and a microscope and has reported the manufacturer of the
> >products on the shelves to the authorities for false
> >advertising and counterfeiting, as well as unsanitary
> >conditions. (You would not believe the *smell* in that
> >store. I think it's from the rotten hypocrisy, although
> >there's so many different kinds of festering toxic waste
> >in there it's hard to tell.)
> >
> >So you've got free shots at me, Share, until tomorrow night.
> >Go to it, snookums. See how much more garbage you can come
> >up with between now and then.
> >
> >


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