Hilarious Jedi.  Simply hilarious.   This is the way normal people
think.  Or maybe you might have expected the brouhaha to go away after a
couple weeks,  or maybe a month, but I think we're going on eight months
now with no sign of letting up.
I think we've left the arena of discussion and come into the field of
pure entertainment!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Jason"  wrote:
> >
> > ---  "Susan"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Glad you gave the post number.
> > >
> If I were Judy, All that I would have said, (instread of all
> that she had said on this topic past one year), with a
> single post.
> Hey Share, the term 'psychological rape" is too harsh. You
> could have used a milder word. Please patch up with Robin.
> Period. End of post.  End of topic.
> ---  "authfriend" authfriend@ wrote:
> >
> > Funny thing, I've reposted it four times in the last week
> > or so:
> >
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/342364
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/342376
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/342440
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/342520
> >
> > But none of Share's supporters appear to have seen it or
> > been able to find it (including Xeno) until Share gave the
> > post number.
> >
> > Isn't that fascinating?
> >
> > Susan, I don't expect you to read what follows, because
> > you're clearly set on supporting Share no matter what,
> > so you don't want to know about anything that might make
> > that support appear to be anything less than utterly
> > reasonable.
> >
> > But I'm posting it for the record anyway.
> >
> > I can't help reading your reaction here as a recap--
> > perhaps unconsciously--of what you've seen Share and her
> > supporters say. IOW, I doubt you would have had this
> > reaction if you didn't know Share had characterized
> > Robin's comments as some kind of terrible violation.
> >
> > You did read her initial response, right, in which she
> > simply declined to discuss what Robin had said and
> > apologized to him for her "grumpiness," which she
> > attributed to having eaten too much sugar?
> >
> > How about Robin's response to that, in which *he*
> > apologized for having made her uncomfortable and
> > essentially took back everything he'd said? Did you read
> > that as well, the part that begins "Robin2"?
> >
> > And you are aware that this post from Robin was the
> > latest in a long series of extremely warm and friendly
> > exchanges he and Share had been having with each other,
> > right?
> >
> > I mean, you say what Robin wrote sounds like something
> > that would be appropriate for a therapist or a "dear,
> > dear friend" to say, but that it seems inappropriate for
> > an "online chat." For sure, unusual for an online chat,
> > but their conversations had had this unusually intimate
> > quality almost from the beginning, and Share had
> > obviously been enjoying them very much.
> >
> > "Hurtful, demeaning and offensive"?? "Creepy"?? That is
> > just mind-boggling to me. It seems to me to reflect a
> > sort of neurotic hyper-super-sensitivity, not a normal
> > adult reaction, to an essentially innocuous--and quite
> > affectionate--comment from Robin, with whom Share had
> > developed a significant degree of mutual fondness over
> > their extended, intimate exchanges of the previous
> > month or two. And it was certainly not Share's reaction
> > at the time.
> >
> > However, all the above turns out to be irrelevant.
> >
> > You noted that Robin had used "qualifiers." You are
> > apparently not aware that it was his parenthetical
> > qualifier that he was "very likely...wrong" that was the
> > basis for Share's decision to suspend communications
> > with him (and ultimately for her "psychological rape"
> > charge). Not that she had felt invaded and violated by
> > his insight about her, but that he had said his insight
> > was probably wrong.
> >
> > Confused? So was Robin.
> >
> > Again, so it's absolutely clear: Share didn't decide to
> > suspend their communications because of what Robin had
> > told her, but because he'd qualified what he had told
> > her by saying he was probably wrong:
> >
> > "Robin, it sounds like you're saying that you sensed you
> > were getting the real me and not my beliefs.  But OTOH you
> > were very likely wrong.  Given this assessment of me by
> > you, I'd prefer to suspend communication with you.
> > Apologies if I've misunderstood and in that case, I hope
> > we can work things out."
> >
> > She reiterated this in a private email to Robin, which
> > she subsequently posted to FFL:
> >
> > "I expressed innocent and real joy at the beautiful Russian
> > flash mob you posted.  You replied by saying that you sensed
> > I was being the real Share but that you were probably wrong.
> > This is what hurt me."
> >
> > (Although she had told him in her previous post that she
> > "didn't suffer or feel insulted.  Nor did I think you were
> > being hurtful or cruel.")
> >
> > When Robin finally figured out that it had been his
> > *qualifier* that Share had found so offensive, he wrote
> > a long post to her explaining that he had included the
> > qualifier to make sure she didn't feel he was imposing
> > anything on her, to give her complete freedom to accept
> > or reject his experience of her response to the Russian
> > flash-mob video. He went on to apologize profusely for
> > having inadvertently said something that had confused
> > and upset her.
> >
> > I reposted his explanation and apology here:
> >
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/342896
> >
> > Share refused to accept that she had misunderstood the
> > reason for his qualifier. For the next four weeks, Robin
> > did his absolute damndest to clear things up.
> >
> > But the outcome of his attempts to reconcile with her
> > over this "upset" was her declaration at the end of
> > the four weeks that what she had found objectionable
> > in his initial post--his "very likely wrong" qualifier--
> > constituted "psychological rape."
> >
> > That's what all this has been about, Susan, believe it
> > or not.
> >
> > It's no wonder nobody has gotten what happened between
> > the two of them straight, because Share's side of it
> > never made any sense.
> >
> > Addendum
> >
> > Here are Share's responses to the Russian flash-mob video
> > Robin posted. These were what Robin was commenting on in
> > his initial post in this "upset/psychological rape"
> > sequence:
> >
> > "Wow, Robin, best recent youtube post IMHO.  thank you.  These young
peeps are ALREADY changing the world for the better."
> >
> > And then:
> >
> > "I love their spirit too, Robin.  Especially because it is in such
contrast to the gray sky, grey stone, relentless snow.  All bundled up
against the bone deep cold and still they can turn somersaults.  And not
just on the physical level, if you know what I mean.  Very wonderful!  I
love that they chose Putting On the Ritz.
> > I love the inclusion of the bride and groom.  Wondering where the
heck that bouquet got to.  Libra rising dontcha know!"
> >
> > I think if I'd been Robin, I'd have made the same comments
> > he did. These seem to me very spontaneous, open, genuine
> > expressions of delight that are quite different in tone
> > from what Share usually writes about something she says
> > she's enjoyed.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > I read it.  My take is that Robin started to act as if he is the
Authority about you.  ON one level it comes across as if he is
"complimenting" you on being "real" rather than than your usual positive
self or your self that is covered by a spiritual belief system.  But the
other message is that this is an amazing insight he has about you that
you really just need to hear, for your own benefit
> > and o the sake of being really honest.
> > >
> > > If someone had written that to me, I would feel 1) as if a
boundary had been crossed and that the subject had suddenly shifted,
without my consent or desire, to a discussion about my behaviors  2)
that Robin feels he has some sort of enhanced "insight" into my psyche
and 3) that a judgement had been made about how I behave usually.  This
might be a conversation to have with a therapist or a dear dear friend,
but not in an online chat.  It smells like what I have hears was the
Robin of years ago, trying to dissect people, supposedly for their own
benefit, without their permission or asking for that sort of "help." 
Robin did lace his posts with qualifiers (ie maybe he is wrong) but
nevertheless he said what he said about you. Whether he meant it or not,
it was hurtful, demeaning and offensive. It feels creepy to me.  I would
back out of the conversation too.  I thought you did so rather
> > >
> > > Of course, I am not an expert on Robin or you or your history on
FFL, so maybe there is something I am missing.  If there is, fine.  I am
just responding to this post.
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Xeno the post # 319335 is when I first got upset with Robin but
it contains what had gone before.  Share
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >

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