The magic Seven
Vipassana Research Institute, 1996, pp. 2, 3. makes this  practice
appear to be "superior" to  all others:

"This is the direct way ( ekAyano ... maggo  is more commonly
translated as "the only path,"based  on the contextual meaning of
ekAyano, AnAlayo  translated as "direct  path"),monks, for the
purification of beings, for the overcoming of  sorrow and lamentation,
for the extinguishing of suffering and grief,  for walking on the path
of truth, for the realization of nibbAna...."
   and listen
and weep [:D]
The sutta in which vipassana is based is sathipathana sutta,
SmátyupasthAna Sutra  (The Discourse on the Establishing of
Mindfulness)and the  MahAsatipaátt­hAna Sutta(The Great
Discourse on the Establishing of  Mindfulness)-
-see above link Maha Sathipattana Sutta chanted by Ven. Dr. Omalpe
Sobhita Thero.-
in which Buddha promised that you could gain enlightenment
  in 7 years,
"O bhikkhus, should any person maintain the Four Arousings of
Mindfulness in this manner for seven years, then by him one of two
fruition is proper to be expected: Knowledge (arahantship) here and
now; or, if some form of clinging is yet present, the state of non-
returning (the Third Stage of Supramundane Fulfillment).

"O bhikkhus, let alone seven years. Should a person maintain these
Four Arousings of Mindfulness, in this manner, for six years... for
five years... four years... three years... two years... one year, then
by him one of two fruition is proper to be expected: knowledge here
and now; or, if some form of clinging is yet present, the state of non-
if not 7 months,
"O bhikkhus, let alone a year. Should any person maintain these Four
Arousing s of Mindfulness, in the manner, for seven months,  then by him
one of two fruition is proper to be expected: Knowledge  here and now;
or, if some form of clinging is yet present, the state of  non-
"O bhikkhus, let alone seven months. Should any person maintain these
Four Arousing s of Mindfulness in this manner for six months... five
months... four months... three months... two months... one month...
half-a-month, then, by him one of two fruition is proper to be
expected: Knowledge here and now; or, if some form of clinging is yet
present, the state of non-returning.

  if not 7 days.
"O bhikkhus, let alone half-a-month. Should any person maintain these
Four Arousing s of Mindfulness in this manner for a week, then by him
one of two fruition is proper to be expected: Knowledge here and now;
or, if some form of clinging is yet present, the state of non-

"Because of this was it said: 'This is the only way, O bhikkhus, for
the purification of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and
lamentation, for the destruction of suffering and grief, for reaching
the right path, for the attainment of Nibbana, namely, the Four
Arousings of Mindfulness."

Thus spoke the Blessed One.
thousands of years ago

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