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  <>  "UFO Stone"
Analysis & Unexplained Holes in Poland
Correction to Delgado/Chorley Report

PURPOSE: The BLT Research Team Inc.'s primary focus is crop circle
research - the discovery, scientific documentation and evaluation of
physical changes induced in plants, soils and other materials at crop
circle sites by the energy (or energy system) responsible for creating
them and to determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature
and source of these energies. Secondly, our intent is to publish these
research results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and to disseminate
this information to the general public through lectures, mainstream
articles and the internet.

PERSONNEL: BLT Inc. is composed of several hundred trained
field-sampling personnel in the U.S., Canada and Europe who collect
plant and soil samples at crop circle sites for analyses by a number of
scientists (see "Professional Consultants
<> ") in various disciplines.
  [BLT Research Team - Crop Circles and other phenomena]    Fieldworkers
in England with plant and soil samples which now must be hung up and
dried before shipping.
The hard work of these field teams and their careful adherence to
field-sampling protocols has contributed enormously to the on-going
discoveries in the laboratory and the large data-base of factual
information which now exists. Nancy Talbott is President of BLT Research
Team Inc.

  [BLT Research Team - Crop Circles and other phenomena]    Taking
measurements in a Canadian circle prior to plant/soil sampling.     
[BLT Research Team - Crop Circles and other phenomena]    Samples dried,
wrapped, labeled
and ready for shipping.

FUNDING: BLT Inc. was incorporated as a non-profit, tax-exempt U.S.
corporation in 1999. All funding to-date has been from private-sector
donations and gifts, which are tax-deductible. Significant advances in
the scientific understanding of crop circle formation and related
phenomena are heavily dependent upon such contributions -- all major
financial gifts can be designated for specific research projects, if
desired by the donor. Financial support in any amount is welcome.

LECTURE/SLIDE SHOW: A 2-hour presentation is available which outlines
the basic research and results obtained so far, highlighting individual
crop circle case studies from a number of countries. Slides of recent
crop circles in North America and Europe are included, as well as
anecdotal reports of associated strange phenomena encountered by
personnel working in the fields each summer. The lecture and slide-show
can be shortened or expanded, as desired, and is an inspirational
educational tool for use in schools and colleges, demonstrating both the
value of the basic scientific method and the excitement of new
discoveries -- in the context of an intriguing, and still unexplained,
phenomenon. Contact Nancy Talbott
<>  to schedule. <>

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