--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@...> wrote:
> Following, rather superficially, the recent subject of the brain's 
> relationship to consciousness I have had a couple of thoughts which are not 
> based on scientific evidence or objective proof of any kind.
> Consciousness is a characteristic of being alive, having a functioning brain 
> and having a perceiver to perceive what is generated by certain activity of 
> the brain. Consciousness is also present in all forms of life that possess a 
> nervous system. I think it is also much more than this. 
> I think consciousness is also very much a disembodied phenomenon which can 
> exist outside of a physical body. I believe some consciousness can be 
> generated by a brain but that this consciousness is energy,that also finds 
> its way outside of the physical that comprises a nervous system and is set 
> loose into the surrounding environment, consciousness continues b
(Shit, I just hit 'send' with my baby finger by mistake and off this little 
missive flew; just like what I was talking about above when I was so rudely 
interrupted by my last finger on my right hand. What just happened is a perfect 
example of a human exhibiting some aspect of consciousness and then, due to an 
errant pinky, off the message/post/result of consciousness flys these words 
into cyberspace as a new kind of energy that re-manifests as a post in 
somebody's inbox.)

Anyway, what was I saying? Something about consciousness continuing on in the 
environment/atmosphere as a manifestation of energy. In this disembodied form 
consciousness no longer needs a brain to exist or effect. And I believe it 
could keep existing forever in this brainless/bodyless form. I certainly can 
not prove this but I feel it to be right. 

Consciousness is everywhere, it envelopes us all the time. I believe it to be 
an integral part of what allows the universe to function - it is intelligence. 
I think we are cocooned in it. We do not create it, it passes through us. We 
have the receptor to know it is present (a brain) but it pre-dates us, it "is" 
already, before we were and well after the current body is gone. Consciousness 
possesses structure but not physical structure that we can always perceive. But 
I do think the physical world is built by consciousness so there are concrete 
things all around us that possess the building blocks of consciousness. (I'm 
just working this out as I write, I never really thought about this like this 
before so go boil some potatoes or make the bed because I am most likely 
blathering here.)

Still, this is an interesting topic and if I wasn't pecking away at this on my 
iPad I might want to come back to it later. I'll just sit and let a bit more 
consciousness wash over me and get back to you if I figure anything else out.

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