Feeling crazy?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > 
> [https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/400646_632149136\
> 812702_423765143_n.jpg]
> Continuing in the same vein (or artery...your call), have you ever
> noticed that when people say with a straight face on this forum that
> bouncing around on their butts using muscle power is "flying," and that
> doing so controls the weather and causes world peace, and that doing it
> makes their thoughts "10,000 X more powerful than lesser people's
> thoughts," and that people are shirking their cosmic, dharmic duties by
> NOT doing it, no one bats an eyelash?
> But suggest -- as I have recently -- that this is all batshit crazy
> ego-bullshit, and people scream as if I had committed high heresy.
> Suggest that someone spending 100 MILLION DOLLARS to perpetuate the myth
> of this craziness is even crazier, and some get downright nasty.
> It IS crazy stuff. You people who believe it do so because that's easier
> than dealing with the alternative, that you were sold (for many
> thousands of dollars) all of this claptrap by a clever con man wearing a
> sheet. He sold you a bunch of English-language paraphrases of some words
> from a $2.00 paperback of the Yoga Sutras and told you that you were
> practicing techniques taught by Patanjali...and you believed it. He told
> you *that* practicing it would bring about world peace, and usher in
> Heaven On Earth...and you believed it. He told you that you were oh, oh,
> OH so special to be fortunate enough *to* practice it, and that it made
> you oh, oh, OH so much more special than other people...and you believed
> it.
> If you were to tell people on the street the things you believe -- and
> accept as not only true but as some cosmic Truth -- they'd back away
> from you the way they do when encountering other crazy people. But most
> people who believe this stuff talk about it only with people who believe
> the same crazy things, so there is a kind of "folie à many" thang
> going on, and no one ever notices that they're talking all talking crazy
> talk.
> I point it out, and the merde hits the fan. Go figure...
> Every so often I think it's a good thing to step back and look at the
> things you take for granted and try to imagine what someone who had
> never heard any of them would think of them -- and you, for believing
> them. Doing so can be good for your overall sanity.

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