How many seeds have been germinated from Guru Dev's Grace?

Transcendental Meditation Organization


How many people other than in India have  learned TM through the TMO in the 
past 12 months? Past 36? 

How many TM Centers are there in the USA?

Is the TMO sustainable without donations, scholarships?

Other than having 325,000? Pandits in India what is the Grande Plan for the 
next 20 years for the rest of the global village?

What plans are in place to transition to the next generation of Rajas?

If an organization were to allocate the TMO $1 Billion for each continent per 
year for the next 20 years would there be professional management in place to 
make the best use of the funds?

Jai Guru Dev

--- In, Dick Mays <dickmays@...> wrote:
> Guru Dev and the Revival of Knowledge
> Catalina Island, USA, 10 October, 1961
> Maharishi speaks about his divine master Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand 
> Saraswati, Jagadguru Bhagavan Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Bhadrikashram, 
> Himalayas
> "As Shakaracharya, he was found to have the great intellect of the first 
> Shankaracharya and the heart of Buddha, the loveable, soft heart of Buddha 
> and the great intellect of Shankara, and that was his personality. He 
> wouldn't go much in details of the philosophical discussions, but what he 
> spoke was simple truths of life, but very simple, so piercing they went 
> straight home to heart.
>  Those were the meetings in open air—all the time in open, except in the 
> rains, open air meetings. We used to have sixteen, twenty, twelve, eight, 
> twelve big, big mics to cover the range of about 50,000 people, 100,000 
> people—like that, just for his evening discourses. And he would hardly speak 
> thirty minutes, forty. Forty minutes was the maximum that he went sometimes. 
> But every word that he spoke was so powerful, was so piercing, was so 
> convincing.
> First people would see him and would be transformed to all good life. 
> Whatever remained there, buried in the subconscious, will come out when they 
> hear his words.
> Very great atheists have just been transformed, not by the logic or not by 
> the deep exposition of anything great which they did not know before, but the 
> truth exposed in so simple words and in such great force of life-force, that 
> they couldn't but only be transformed. The motorcar will pass from there and 
> he would be speaking, and if the car is not very fast, if the driver happens 
> to hear some words, immediately he'll put up the break and stop and 
> listen—can't pass on; he has to stop. Such charm was there in his words, and 
> such great simplicity and depth of thought, and he charmed the child and the 
> old all alike. It was a pin-drop silence of 50,000, 100,000 people, just 
> pin–drop.
> Before him used to speak some big, learned Pandits—famous, big, learned 
> Pandits of northern India. They go with Shakaracharya all the time. That is 
> customary, some famous astrologers in his retinue, some big, famous 
> professors of Vedant, of Yoga—all these, they go along with him. So these 
> big, big, huge intellectual giants used to speak before him. Some would speak 
> one hour, some would speak half an hour like that, and there was a marked 
> difference in what they spoke and what he spoke.
> And for initiations it was, it was, it was an unprecedented gathering to take 
> initiations from him. Just it was tremendous, tremendous. Those who have seen 
> those days have been so fortunate, and those who have seen me moving about in 
> that atmosphere, they know how the grace of Guru Dev has dawned and how when 
> they hear the stories in these parts, how it is happening, what is happening, 
> then they say: Oh, it's not surprise, yes, he has received the grace of Guru 
> Dev. All but his grace and nothing else.
> Except his grace, I don't have anything, and God willing the whole world is 
> going to enjoy. So we are fortunate, and all of you are very fortunate to 
> have his grace so far from India, but the fortune is there. Only we have to 
> share our fortune with all our fellow men, and we have to do our utmost what 
> we can to bring this meditation to all the people in all the ways possible 
> for everyone of us.
> This, if I could have some real, good cooperation of all the people who come 
> in my contact, it would be something. The whole world will become so full 
> with all sublime essence of human life. Humanity will be changed into 
> divinity just direct. We have seen his life, so we know what divine could be 
> in man's life: just fullness of divinity. That is all the strength that I 
> have, and that you should fee in yourself. Such great power, such great 
> wisdom, such great bliss.
> That is something about Guru Dev.

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