> > It takes two to tangle. You seem to imply that he was
> > dragging them to the cave with a stone club in hand.
> > Looks like TM didn't do any good to those women either.
> >
> Maybe we can assign 50% of the blame on the married
> women, cuz, hey, free will and all that, but..... nope.
We? I vote to have you banned from this list because
you're sick in the head for posting this slander. You've
been acting really strange since you posted that
message on L.B.'s blog about killing the little darlings.

Alex or Rick should be enforcing the rules here, this is
just outrageous behavior, Edg.

1) This group has long maintained a thoughtful and
considerate tone. Please refrain from personal attacks,
insults and excessive venting. "Speak the truth that is
sweet" is a worthy aspiration. If angry, take some time
to gain composure before writing or pushing the send

FairfieldLife Guidelines

> He took advantage. He leveraged. He must be
> held to the same standard we held Maharishi
> about his sexcapades.
> Hagelin never not once ever never once ever said:
> "Hey, babe, nice just meeting you, a minion, and
> me, a royal scion, and I know you're married, and
> it's a sin to fuck me, but, hey, let's just put
> all that aside and not dwell on the YEARS AND
> YEARS OF DAMAGE it would do to your husband and
> your kids if they find out."
> Hagelin never asked like that, right, but THAT'S
> HE KNEW  WHAT HE WAS DOING. And he knew he
> was ABSOLUTELY HARMING these women -- "harming"
>  means "alluring  women to change their lives so
> dramatically and  so covertly that it was certain that when
>  the  affairs were revealed, all the lying and disloyalty
> would not be easily dealt with -- without YEARS
> of professional help for all concerned."
> That is fucking harmful.
> At least Dr. Bloomfield drugged his women and didn't
> try to brainwash them into breaking the trust
> enjoyed with virtually everyone in their social
> circle.
> Yeah, sure, it MIGHT evolve some folks who would
> rise to the challenges of facing ones personal
> integrity being shitcanned after one has torn ones
> life up like a bad parking ticket, yep, could be,
> but on average, every woman who ever fucked Hagelin
> had to face themselves in perhaps the harshest
> light they've ever had shone upon them. And it
> wouldn't be pretty what they saw in the mirror.
> Each woman, on her death bed, gets to say: "I
> fucked Hagelin and ruined my marriage and my kids
> hate me to this day for what I did to their father
> when I could have just gone to a marriage counselor
> or something, or I could have at least faced their
> father forthrightly about the marital dissonance
> and just said, 'I'm ending it, but at least I'm
>being honest and not sneaking behind your back and
> cuckolding you and doing all the things that
> incur rage in others who are blinded by their trust
> and loyalty towards the cheating partner and who
> will have no clue until it's revealed to them as if
> a bomb going off.'"
> Who wants to say that? Hagelin made every woman
> NOT CONSIDER THAT. He gave them, what?, promises
> of, what? Don't even try to tell me all the women
> were simply randy and Hagelin was a hunk. Women
> don't go for that. They might be horny, but it is
> only cuz they want the whole man's wherewithal --
> not just his dick.
> He leveraged by promising who knows what. That is
> not saintly. That is not honest. That is fucking
> evil. And TM didn't do a THING TO CHANGE IT.
> Edg

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