--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> How about you, Ann?  Will you take a real stand?  It's pretty easy and will 
> only cost you a little time and effort.  You can write Bevan an email 
> telling him how you feel about what he did.  You can write as a former 
> student, as someone who has come to admire LB, as someone who thanks God when 
> others take a real stand.  Bevan's email address is available on the MUM 
> website.  Can you say with 100% certainty that your writing to him will not 
> do some good?    

My guess is that all this whining won't impress Bevan one bit.

Thing is, you are on the greatest path, handed down from the great
holy tradition, life in perfect bliss and harmony with all the laws
of nature etc. Why would anyone want to dilute that by seeing other
scammers - sorry, saints.

It's not much of a tribute to Marshy if all anyone wants to do
is grovel at the feet of some other guru who cannot possibly know
as much about enlightenment and how to gain it as the greatest
seer ever.

And there's worse to come, what if someone goes to see another
teacher and he gets taught a technique that interferes with their
TMSP? What if that pollutes the dome atmosphere with people doing
other tehcniques (which has happened a lot)? What if everyone
else hears about it and goes somewhere else and you all miss a 
lecture by Bevan?

This is the sort of thing they will be thinking whenever they get
a letter about relaxing rules. It's their *job* to keep everyone
on the right path. They aren't interested in allocating similar
credence to other guru's, they don't want you to think it's a
level playing filed where everyone's teaching is a valid path.
Marshy spent a lot of time cultivating a superiority complex
in TM teachers. Going through the TMO is *supposed* to make you
think it's far and away the best thing going. Ever. 

I actually have a bit of sympathy for the TMO here, if I was
in charge I'd be keen to see everyone staying in the one boat
rather than jumping about and becoming less single pointed
about following the teaching. There isn't enough time to do
other things properly. If you really believe TM is the best you 
won't want to see your flock going elsewhere. Marshy's warning 
that the technique will be lost is probably ringing in Bevans 
ears every time he hears the words FFL.

What they should be wondering is why so many want to see other teachers but 
what they will think is that everyone is just "unstressing" and should just do 
more asanas until it passes.

As they say when you move to Skelmersdale: we are happy for you
to explore other teachings, just don't do it here!

> ________________________________
>  From: Ann <awoelflebater@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 1:15 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Invitation: July 7-21 Governors Assembly at 
> MUM Fairfield
> Thank God for those who will take a real stand.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Back to the subject of protesting the seeming injustices - if the
> > limitations bother some people so much then eventually this is going to take
> > it's toll and sooner or later people who resent having their lives dictated
> > to them regarding what they can do or not do, see or not see, read or not
> > read, attend or not attend is going to have to be resolved one way or
> > another. I still say organization is a really good way to go. If you fear
> > making a stand all by your little lonesome then assemble with your friends
> > and like-minded people who can create a bigger force, a movement with some
> > clout. 
> > 
> > What I have a problem with is those who complain and whine and wish it could
> > be different but don't engage in the actual activities that could bring this
> > about. On the other hand, maybe give up the 'saints' and focus on TM. You
> > either have to come together to change the system in great numbers or you're
> > going to have to accept Movement policy. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The TMO has used a divide and subjugate approach all along. Individuals are
> > afraid of getting kicked out, so they toe the line, or sneak around. If
> > everyone, as a body, were to say "bug off. We're grownups. Kick us all out
> > if you want to, but we're not going to be told what we may or may not do in
> > our private lives", the movement would be faced with the choice of backing
> > down or losing the majority of its participants and donors. But cults
> > operate on the basis of "group think". They rely upon and try to reinforce
> > people's lemming-like tendencies. So the way it's unfolded here, people have
> > grown up individually and left the incubator when they felt hatched enough
> > to do so. Fairfield has a large and growing eclectic, free-thinking
> > spiritual community outside of the TMO. Even some within the TMO seem to be
> > recognizing that that's a healthy thing (e.g., Hagelin speaking at
> > conferences), but they are always counterbalanced by more conservative
> > forces who think they are protecting the movement, while in fact they are
> > diminishing and isolating it.
> >

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