--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
<anartaxius@...> wrote:

> Dwarf Planet Astrology

Regarding your *devastating* critique of astrology...

Have you heard of/considered/understood (delete as
appropriate) Jung's concept of "synchronicity"? I
know that as a naive positivist it may be anathema -
but do you understand it?

"The positions of the heavens at a particular moment
in time, by reflecting the qualities of that moment,
also reflect the qualities of anything born at that
moment. [...] One does not cause the other; they are
synchronous, and mirror each other."

If there is something to astrology (if), then it is
*not* about causation, or about the *correctness* or
*completeness* of any particular astronomical system. 
It is about the possibility that the *quality* of
any *significant* moment can potentially reveal 
information about the state of the totality. It
could be dividing some yarrow stalks, reading some 
tea leaves, tossing some coins, looking at something
significant at the point of birth...whatever. You chose.

Note the word: It is about the *Quality* of the moment
(in a Hegelian sense) that is chosen. It is an art, not
a science.

> As one of the recent threads on FFL has been delving into the pseudoscience 
> of astrology, I have been spending my time reading sections of a blog written 
> by a sociopath, which is rather interesting reading, it kind of just slides 
> right in with the psychotic nature of FFL and the 'neuro typical' and 
> 'empath' population here, to use some names for most of us from the creative 
> folk in sociopath land (there are some extraordinarliy intelligrnt sociopaths 
> out there, and you probably know some without being aware that they are not 
> like you). There seems to be some specific crossovers between sociopaths and 
> enlightenment as far as mental states of experience. Perhaps I will start a 
> thread on that later on.
> To get back to astrology. As scientifically astrology basically has zero 
> predictive properties (except in the minds of its practitioners), I thought 
> it might be better to introduce dwarf planet astrology, and chuck the 
> original systems, both Western and Eastern. Unfortunately my idea is not 
> original. Others have already jumped into the fray.
> The current locations of dwarf planets and dwarf planet candidates [the 
> candidates are marked '(a)' from officially named dwarfs]:
> (the '&#709;' symbol means 'subscript' if it gets through Yahoo's 
> alphanumeric-symbol, character-entity translation software, otherwise 
> whatever shows up on your computer should be an inverted carat [cheers Share 
> ÂÂÂ])
> Ceres         Gemini
> Haumea                Bootes
> Makemake      ComaBerenices
> Eris          Cetus
> Pluto-Charon  Sagittarius
> Sedna (a)     Taurus
> Varuna (a)    Gemini
> Quaoar (a)    Serpens Cauda
> Orcus (a)     Sextans
> Ixion (a)     Ophiuchus
> 2002 TC&#709;302 (a)  Aries   
> 2007 OR&#709;10 (a)   Aries
> Since size and distance of those little pointy lights in the sky make no 
> difference in astrology, it certainly is possible that these tiny dim pointy 
> lights could have a VAST influence on humanity and our little world. At least 
> there are some that think so. For example:
> -------
> 2007 OR10 and 2002 TC302 astrology
> 'Perhaps the striking news is that the newly discovered 2007 OR10 , near in 
> size to Pluto, seems to has a strong astrological effect, at least derived by 
> mundane astrology observations.'
> 'The fact is that in the recent millenia, 2007 OR10 has been orbiting near 
> Eris, just beyond it, with a similar orbital period, and therefore makes 
> things a little bit confusing to distinguish.'
> 'I see that every time 2007 OR10 has entered Aries a whole lot of global 
> changes have happened: this was circa 150-50 BC, 350-450 AC, 1000 AC, 
> 1470-1520 AC and now 1990-2040.'
> '2007 OR10 will enter the mid degrees of Aries in the years ahead, as it did 
> in 1490, the years of the discovery (and conquests) of America, or 
> approximately during the fall of Rome circa 350-410, or during the Roman 
> conquests of the Greece and Egypt, two powerful and influencing 
> civilizations. It enters the critical 10-11º Aries in 2010-2014, (like in 
> 1492) then stays during the more intense Aries energy until 2047 (like in 
> 1520).'
> 'Therefore, we predict a new unfolding wave of discoveries, 'conquests' and 
> societal reconstruction, a civilization shift in balance.'
> 'It's still too soon to assert its astrological meaning. But judging by 
> several chart readings, it seems that 2007 OR10 is full of positive energy, 
> vibrant and a strong creative and ever-flowing energy (but it is in Aries 
> too).'
> -------
> At least Western astrology, with its positioning flaws, is investigating new 
> information unlike Vedic astrology, which remains in the Iron Age. If we had 
> Vedic physics, we perhaps could allow atoms, but eschew sub-atomic particles 
> as not being significant.
> But for astrologers, perhaps it would be appropriate to use technology more 
> appropriate to the mentality of the discipline. Without being too extreme I 
> would suggest using the original Apple I or an original IBM PC, plus a dot 
> matrix printer to produce charts, although, perhaps, you might do something 
> unheard of and actually look at the sky at night and use a notepad by 
> candlelight or oil torch.

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