On 06/15/2013 07:12 PM, Ann wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card" <cardemaister@...> wrote:
>> Any day soon I might try to time the upcoming
>> major stock market crash à la 1929, on the
>> basis of that Uranus/Pluto square in (tropical) cardinal
>> signs!
>> Then again, I mightn't... LoL!
>> But it almost certainly takes place between now and
>> 2016!
> Yes and so will countless other events. People seem to love the idea of 
> catastrophe, economic meltdown, political upheaval, world paradigms and drama 
> in general.

One doesn't need astrology to see the economic catastrophe coming. Just 
follow the pattern of events see the logical extension due to their 
effects.  But of course that requires paying attention and knowing 
something about economics.

The crash SHOULD have occurred in 2008 but a bandage was slapped on the 
problem but the wound has still festered.  The "bandage" was done so the 
rich had time to move out of the way because in 2008 they would have 
gone broke but the public would have be FAR LESS effected.

The next bandage may be far more drastic: a global war.    The maniacs 
in charge see that as a "reset button."  We need to reset their button.

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