
Oprah's natal chart looks powerful.  IMO, the exalted Saturn in the 12th house 
is the planet that's giving her much success and money.  In the Brighu Nandi 
Nadi technique, Saturn is the significator for work and career.  In her chart, 
Jupiter is also having a bhava drishti (aspect) to Saturn.  Thus, her work 
success is multiplied many folds.

Since her 12th house is strong, she will do well in philanthropy and 
meditation.  If she stays with the TMO, she can easily be a Siddha and perhaps 
be one of the Rajahs in the organization.

--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> John, that is fascinating about the stones and the healing sounds. Of course 
> everything is vibration so it makes sense to me that anything can be used to 
> heal. If one has the beneficial knowledge. I remember once in DC a reporter 
> asked Dr. Triguna about using light for healing and he replied that it was a 
> very powerful form of healing, especially using light via gems.
> I just received a newsletter from jyotishi Sam Geppi talking about the Moon's 
> situation this coming week. I was glad to hear that the Saturn Rahu 
> conjunction is receiving help from Jupiter. But then the Moon
>  will be debilitated plus getting an aspect from Mars. Glad I had a Mars puja 
> recently.
> Here's what a friend sent about our drekkanas.  Our lagnas are 1 degree 
> apart and our Moons are in the same nakshatra!
> "The 1st drekkana Libra ascending suggests a
>                   courteous, affable, kind and affectionate disposition.
>                   The fate is mostly in the hands of others, as there is
>                   little ability to mould or alter circumstances. The
>                   native is controlled principally by feeling and
>                   intuition, more so than reason. He is keen of
>                   observation, fond of company, and generally very
>                   artistic, refined and truly sympathetic. There is not
>                   much energy or incentive to action, and consequently
>                   life tends to run in grooves as the native is prone to
>                   lean on others for support. "
> He also send me a chart I've been wanting to see, Oprah's!
> 29 January 1954 at 04:30am CST
> She has Rahu in the 1st. Conjunct Chiron. Venus
>                   combust with Uranus and Ketu in the 7th.
> Loose grand trine of Merc, Jupiter and Neptune.
> Jyotish:
> ________________________________
>  From: John <jr_esq@...>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 11:34 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Patanjali's Sutra Relating to the Navel Chakra
> Share,
> There's jyotish literature that splits the body in three ways depending on 
> the drekkana (10 degrees) that one is born in.  For example, if you were born 
> with the lagna on the first drekkana, then the rashi chart would show the 
> head to the shoulder of the individual.
> The other two drekkanas would refer to the torso and the lower parts of the 
> body.  If you have a medical background, you can do some  fascinating 
> research on this subject.  IMO, it's possible to pinpoint the root of the 
> disease at the cellular level and even the DNA level just by using the rashi 
> chart and the various varga charts.
> Theoretically, one can see the medical issues of a person before it starts.  
> But the fruit of the knowledge is to know the cures for the various diseases. 
>  In the Vedic culture, the cure lies in the ayurvedic herbs and mantras.
> A few months ago, I saw a video about the Egyptian culture and the pyramids.  
> One traditional keeper of the knowledge stated that the ancient Egyptians 
> cured people by sounds.  He showed some huge granite stones that were carved 
> like dishes.  He believed that these stones were used for treating people, 
> while lying on the stone, with sounds.  He did not know the details of how 
> the stones were able to do this.
> --- In, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> >
> > John, this is fascinating about the left and right brains and upper and 
> > lower charts. Whoops, my secret is out. I still prefer the Western circular 
> > chart form to either of the jyotish chart forms. I prefer the circular 
> > chart because it graphically shows both the ascendent as earth's horizon 
> > and the chart as the face of a clock, which can be useful for guessing 
> > about ascendents when the exact birth time is not known. For example, cusp 
> > of first house is 6 am, cusp of 10th house is 12 noon, etc.
> > 
> > 
> > Thank you for wish about my Dad. I sent him a fruit pie from Harry and 
> > David.
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> >  From: John <jr_esq@>
> > To: 
> > Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 1:07 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Patanjali's Sutra Relating to the Navel Chakra
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > Aside from suggesting the knowledge of the various chakras, it can be 
> > assumed that the navel chakra refers to the birth chart which 
> > systematically shows the organization of the human body.  Specifically, the 
> > first house refers to the head and the 12th house refers to the feet.
> > 
> > The birth chart can also refer to the brain of the human being.  The first 
> > six houses refer to the right side of the brain.  And, the last six house 
> > refer to the left side of the brain.
> > 
> >
> >

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