--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> >
> > I wanted to let you know how grateful I am to you for
> > calling my attention to Feser's blog a couple months
> > ago, after he'd fallen off my radar screen. I'm in the
> > process now of beefing up my rudimentary philosophy-
> > of-religion background with his assistance (i.e., via
> > his many posts on the topic).
> > 
> > Currently I'm working my way through a looooong post
> > on the Cosmological Argument related to his series of
> > 10 posts annihilating Rosenberg's "Atheists' Guide to
> > Reality." He's a really good explainer of this stuff.
> > I have to keep looking up terms, but so far I've been
> > able to follow him without too much trouble, and I'm
> > having a wonderful time.
> > 
> > It'll probably take me a month or so to go through
> > everything he's posted along these lines (plus read
> > all the articles and posts of others he links to)--
> > I've really just gotten started as of yesterday--and
> > I may have to get a book or two of his as well. But
> > it's such a delight to see him take apart the
> > incompetent arguments of (many of?) the New Atheists.
> What is a "new" atheist, are there new ways of not 
> believing in things?

Hmm, interesting that you aren't familiar with the
term. At first I thought perhaps that was because 
it was only well known in the U.S., but it turns out
it was *coined* in the U.K.:




> And does he therefore have proof there is a god?

Same old arguments. The problem with the New Atheists
appears to be that they've never studied the arguments
of classical theism and have rebutted only various
comic-book versions.

> Do post a link so we the curious can have a read.

Here's a roundup with lotsa links:



Here's one detailing Feser's progression from cradle
Catholic to atheist and back to Catholicism:


And another roundup, including the series of 10 posts
on Rosenberg's "Atheist's Guide to Reality" that I'm
in the middle of now:


And many others.


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