What isn't acupuncture? What doesn't PHYSICALLY affect the human body no matter 
how ephemeral the impact may seem?  

If you prick us, do we not all bleed?

I have never gone "under the needle," but I do believe there could be a science 
behind it that has been lost or corrupted such that today's practitioners are 
not, well, ahem, practiced enough.

I would think that, given the huge number of places to poke a nervous system, 
that a true acupuncturist would have to be trained from birth by a 
father/DNA-PROPERLY-XY-CHROMOSOMED who himself had been so trained -- ala the 
reciters of the Ved.  Reciting the Ved is like BRAIN SURGERY....it all has to 
go right or it could be very wrong.  Like that.  

Same deal for puncturing the embodiment of egoic false assertions about 
existence -- stress -- better hit it bullseyeishly or risk hitting something 
healthy by mistake.

Same deal with mantras, eh?  Yet all of us used a mantra that was determined 
solely by what age we were at the time of instruction.  

Talk about your imprecision!  

And who amongst us didn't think, when the mantra was being given, that that 
sound was somehow mystically picked with the veritable holy  precision of a 
psychic acupuncturist? 

Weren't no bulleye shooting initiator that I got -- wuz a dumb fuck following 
orders and not very well at that given what I remember of his skills shown 
doing the puja he did for me.  I learned to do puja within a year, so my own 
initiation was still fresh enough in my memory that I could tell that my 
initiator was not your hotshot puja-ist.  And the joke was on me, cuz when I 
subsequently taught folks, there was no parallax between me and that initiator 
of mine no matter how much more theatrically wonderful I bethought my own puja 

Turns out, like him, I was faking the fakir life and hoping for God to take the 
wheel before anyone found out.

Not that the TM technique doesn't have value, but that its value is 
transcendent and utterly NOT ABOUT KARMA CHANGING.  

To sell the TM technique to an ego is like putting a picture of Guru Dev in a 
pig pen and letting the hogs tromp on it.  Such indignity is what passes for 
spirituality in Kali Yuga, kiddies -- the Absolute is now so desperate to sneak 
into the Kali relative that it's pandering to egos.  



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> On 06/21/2013 01:17 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
> >
> > http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/acupuncture-doesnt-work/
> >
> >
> "What I think David and I convincingly demonstrated is that, according 
> to the usual standards of medicine, acupuncture does not work."
> So what are the "usual standards of medicine?"  The "usual standards" 
> seem to be fairly political and financially driven. Anything that 
> threatens the profit motive gets driven away or called "quackery."
> Sorry, I've had acupuncture treatments with no expectations.  It 
> stimulated me but the effect was gone the next day.  After a couple more 
> sessions and mentioning the effect to the acupuncturist, she tried a 
> different approach which made me sluggish.  And I didn't know that was 
> going to be the effect either.  So there couldn't have been a "placebo 
> effect."  Sticking a pin into a nerve center is definitely going to have 
> an effect.
> I have a theory that the "placebo effect" is in and of itself a "placebo 
> effect." ;-)

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