Ann, I think Susan makes some valid points in spite of her typos. And yes, I 
have been guilty of replying to more than one person in a post, as you did in 
your post mentioning this (-: 

 From: Ann <>
Sent: Friday, July 5, 2013 8:40 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Two for Xeno, one for Susan


--- In, "Susan" <wayback71@...> wrote:
> --- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> >
> > First, Xeno's intellectual dishonesty in defense of Barry's
> > shitting on Robin.
> > 
> > Second, some comments on explaining Robin to those with a
> > 15-year-old mentality.
> > 
> > Finally, Susan's reading comprehension problems (among other 
> > difficulties).
> > 
> snips of Judy to Xeno
> > 348894
> > 
> > --- In, "Susan" <wayback71@> wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@> 
> > 
> > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > wow! what a reaction. is this an extreme example of 
> > > > > shooting the messenger? don't even need a show of 
> > > > > hands for that.
> > > > 
> > > > Now you understand why the person who sent the 
> > > > link to me in email didn't want to post it them-
> > > > selves. 
> > > > 
> > > > Sure is good to see that the "enlightened" don't
> > > > throw balls of shit like chimpanzees, eh?  :-)
> > > > 
> > > > > --- In, doctordumbass@ wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Sorry, no street cred for you, little guy. Any student 
> > > > > > of human nature knows that you cannot first shit all 
> > > > > > over someone, as you have Robin, and then trot out some 
> > > > > > third party excerpt, trying to show your objectivity.
> > > 
> > > Doc, are you kidding?  I mean think about it - is Barry the
> > > only person here on FFL that has "shit all over someone"?
> > 
> > Susan, you need to think about it. DrD never said Barry
> > was the only person here on FFL who has done that.
> Judy, you missed the point.  You need to think about that.  Of course I know 
> Dr D did not think Barry was the only person on FFL to shit all over someone. 
> That was my point and I knew DR had that awareness.  I was merely pointing it 
> out to him.  You missed the main oint, the gist, and focused on a detail with 
> no relevance to what we were talking about.
> > 
> > > Several other people here seem to feel quite free and expert
> > > in putting down other people and calling them names (I would
> > > say Judy and Ravi are probably most skilled at name calling
> > > and putdowns, and they do so frequently)
> > 
> > Bit of a difference, Susan. I never do so *gratuitously*,
> > and I never do it *dishonestly*. Plus which, I'll respond
> > if someone wants to engage with what I say. I don't do hit-
> > and-runs. Nor do I diagnose mental disorders in people I'm
> > not on good terms with.
> However you want to characterize, or rather talk about the bad" things you 
> don't do, you ourself Judy manage to put down others frequently here.  It may 
> be a bit of a difference in how you go about doing so, but you do, as you 
> know.
> > 
> > > Barry certainly seems to think Robin was and probably is a
> > > strange guy.  No argument there.
> > 
> > Nor is that the problem, as you know--or should.
> Of course, I did not say it was the problem and of course I know it is not.  
> I was summarizing the past relationship.  You should know that.
> > 
> > > Now, Barry posted something written by other people.   My
> > > take was that it was not  focusing on Robin and his
> > > personality and his diagnoses or problems; it was about
> > > the events of that time as seen thru the theme of
> > > spiritual movements and how they grow or split in factions
> > > or dissolve.
> > 
> > You apparently didn't bother to read Barry's post with
> > any attention. The big deal for Barry was that the book
> > excerpt appeared to contradict what Robin has said about
> > his devotion to Maharishi. (There are problems with that
> > conclusion, but I've addressed them briefly in another
> > post.)
> > 
> > > Robin, Shri Shri and Deepak were the players, along with MMY
> > > and the TMO.  Personally I thought it was interesting to get
> > > an objective view of those years in the TMO. There were some
> > > details about Robin's activities that I did not know about,
> > > and it presented his concerns witht he TMO and how it had
> > > changed for the worse.  It was a rather clear summary from
> > > one point of view.
> > 
> > I have no problem with this precis. But then you go on
> > to say:
> > 
> > > I hardly consider that "shitting all over Robin."
> > 
> > Susan, your reading comprehension ain't so good these
> > days. DrD didn't say it was. Go read the quote from his
> > post at the top, see if you can figure out where you
> > went wrong. If not, I'll be happy to help.
> As you see below, my next post (jsut af ew minutes later) dealt with the 
> omission I made.  My reading comprehension is just fine.

Your typing skills in this post seem to be suffering a tad though. (I fyou no 
whati mean.)

> > 
> > From another post, 348899:
> > 
> > > And I meant to add, neither do I consider Barry's past posts
> > > about Robin to be "shitting all over him."
> > 
> > Apparently you've read very few of them, then. They've
> > been about as nasty as it gets around here: gratuitous
> > and dishonest and vicious and insulting and repellent
> > in the extreme.
> > 
> > > But then I too found Robin's writings odd and uncomfortable
> > > to follow.
> > 
> > So that excuses Barry's unpleasantness toward Robin?
> > 
> > What are you trying to say here?
> I am saying what I said.  Apparently it is not what you want to hear, so you  
> find ways to - in your own mind- devalue it. Vintage, Judy.
> > 
> > > He appears to be extremely intelligent.  And it is not that
> > > his posts were intellectually impossible to get, but that
> > > his whole style and switching of topics and use of words
> > > made me feel as if I was being manipulated (that is the best
> > > I can put it, and I did so directly to Robin from day 1).
> > 
> > You sure don't put it very well, Susan. It doesn't make
> > much sense. I strongly suspect it's a hangover from your
> > TMO days when you were *told* negative things about Robin
> > that you accepted without question, and you're just
> > parroting them back, assuming he hasn't changed.
> > 
> > Maybe you should look at whether you have an unwarranted
> > fear of being manipulated that arises in the presence
> > (electronic, in this case) of someone you feel is
> > considerably more intelligent than you are.
> Have you ever met or talked with Robin in person, Judy?  What is the hook for 
> you? Just wondering why you are so enmeshed in this?
> > 
> > Do you remember Robin's response when you told him you
> > felt you were being manipulated? He basically said that
> > he wasn't entirely sure what you were getting at, but:
> > 
> > "It's one of those moments where one senses: Hey, this
> > guy [Wayback] is having an innocent experience, and that
> > experience hints at SOMETHING potentially at least,
> > problematic about what you are saying, MZ."
> > 
> >
> >


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