Yes, we shipped over all the puritan types on the Mayflower and it's
been swinging London ever since :)
Richard Rose was serious about advocating celibacy - he wanted his
students to have no sex - solo or partnered - for 12 months, to clean
the slate as it were. Is that actually possible for a red-blooded young
man? It seems Rose had at least one affair judging by the review forThe
Direct Mind Experience on Amazon from his first wife which I copy
verbatim below:
I am truely amazed at the popularity of Mr. Rose's literary attempts.
How sad that he knows nothing of his success, though he is not yet
deceased. The person I read about is a stranger to me though I was wife
#1(there's a #2 as well) from 1950 thru 1974(a marriage that produced 3
children). I will grant that he was a brilliant & imaginative man,
though perhaps a bit psychotic. I caution to beware. You are reading the
rantings of a man that lost touch with reality years ago - long before
illness ravaged his oh so demented mind.
How's that for revenge?

In, "Ann"  wrote:
> Since you appear to be British I would imagine your fantasy might be
rather kinkified, or at least I would expect so. The British have this
interesting reputation of all starched shirt on the outside but inside
they would probably make even Ravi blush.

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