On 07/12/2013 11:10 AM, John wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> On 07/11/2013 07:58 PM, John wrote:
>>>     Will the American experiment as conceived by the Founding Fathers 
>>> survive?
>> It disappeared after the Civil War with the Supreme Court decision on
>> Santa Clara County vs Southern Pacific Railroad.  Up until then
>> corporations were limited in their power, size and lifespan.  This was
>> the first time that the Supreme Court declared that corporation had the
>> rights of individuals.  Remember the colonists were fighting the British
>> East Indian Company whose principal stockholder was the King of
>> England.  This left a bad taste in the mouths of many of the founding
>> fathers who set up laws to keep corporations from being so powerful.  We
>> are no longer a country "for the people, by the people" but "for the
>> corporations and by the corporations." Anything else is an illusion.
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Clara_County_v._Southern_Pacific_Railroad
>> Perhaps the Supreme Court is a bad idea.  It probably should have been
>> done away with and replaced by something more democratic.
> It will take an act of Congress to change the makeup of the Supreme Court.  
> For the time being, the judges have been adept at dodging major decisions as 
> seen in its handling of the gay marriage issue.

Sometime, probably soon, the dollar will collapse and with it the US.  
You'll be "on your own".  Some places may form "community" but other 
areas will be like a "Road Warrior" society.  People should be paying 
attention to things like the cost of food and what kind of food you are 
getting at your grocer.  Quality has gone done in the search for 
profit.   They will poison you to stay rich.

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