> I wonder if I should shift to Mac OS or Ubuntu. 
> Any comp expert here who could give me some 
> ideas?
Well, I can't imagine what you're doing with your 
computer. I've been using Win 7 pretty  much right 
out of the box for three years and never had much 
of a problem. 

In fact, if you've been using computers since the 
days of DOS 5 and hardware incompatibility, Win 7 
Pro 62 bit with plug and play, is the best OS for
the average nerd.

I'm running Microsoft Office Pro and several Adobe 
programs like PhotoShop, Premier, and Dreamweaver. 

And, the unit I just built is fast enough to run 
AutoCad and LightWave if I wanted to. You can't do 
that with Linux, there's no software that's any 
good. Go figure.

If you're having problems keying in plain text to 
Notepad, then you've got a problem! Go for more 
DRAM and get EditPad! 

For internet, get a broadband connection with at 
least 14 mbps. You  can test this using a free 
program called 'Internet Speed Test'. LoL!

Your computer is going to browse only as fast as 
your internet connection anyway.

In computer science, a virtual folder is dynamic, 
a 'view' that is brought up by tags, just like a 
saved query or a saved search. Don't forget you 
can find files in Win 7 using the search window 
in the top right of My Computer. 

P.S. Back up your computer with a BluRay external 
drive with USB-3 and ImgBurn free software. (You 
may have to update the Win 7 drivers for this, 
but from what I've read, Win 8 supports USB-3.)

"I ran one experiment to confirm that USB 3.0 
really is about 2.5x faster (as some web sites 
claim) to burn Blu-ray Discs (BD-R) than USB 2.0 
(ie. the USB channel is the bottleneck..." 
- posted by testmaster 

Amazon review:

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