Maharishi talks of his first sight of Guru Dev – transcriptPosted on
July 21, 2013 by Andrew Lawson Kerr in Knowledge & news
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I found Guru Dev by the grace of God and by my desire to find him. In
India, it's a very normal thing for a child to think of God and to
find Him and converse with Him. God-realization is a very concrete
experience in the Indian air, and this instills in every Indian heart a
desire to find a way and to seek a good guide to help them reach the

This situation was true in my case in the early days. One day I was led
by those, who knew I was fond of meeting saints, to a house somewhere in
the forest, and then I was led up some stairs to a terrace. It so
happened that this was a very dark night and I could barely see a chair
with a few people sitting around it, all quiet. The silence there was so
great that one felt hesitant to even breathe properly, because breath
was felt so horribly in that atmosphere. As I came close to the chair a
car came down a nearby road, and its highlights lit up the porch for a
moment. Then I saw Guru Dev and I thought: "Here is the sun"
This was the flashing moment of light, which decided my destiny.

I somehow was able to speak with him. He asked me about everything I was
doing, and when he heard I was student he said: "First finish your
studies". There was nothing to argue about or discuss.

By the time I had finished my studies, he had become Shankaracharya in
Jyotir Math. I was told that many people were going to that place and I
went there and found Guru Dev, and then I stayed.

This devotion to Guru Dev, devotion to one's Master, when you will
go in detail of the Vedic tradition, to which we belong, it seems it has
been of just this series of instances, where the disciple surrendered
and got enlightened through surrender. And such surrender is not a thing
on the thinking level or manipulation, no, it's a very genuine,
innocent, abstract yet very concrete contact with the reality. The
history of this tradition is full of these values of surrender to the
Master and this is what sustains knowledge generation after generation

The great impact of Guru Dev in his lifetime is in bringing out so
clearly and in such simple worlds this technique of TM and his blessing
for this Movement, which came out much after he left his body, because
there was no occasion during his lifetime for any of his intimate
blessed disciples to go out of his presence. That's why any such
Movement to bless the world could not have started during his time.

He was so divine, he was so sublime.  It was not possible to think of
one day away from him. It was just not possible.

So his expression, his teachings, made the whole possibility of everyone
to get onto this blessed state of unity through a scientific procedure,
systematic procedure, because the truth is that not many people are at
any time in any age in a position to follow this spontaneous and
innocent path of surrender and get enlightenment. It is just not
practical. It is not possible. And therefore a system, a procedure, a
method, something very tangible, concrete yet based on the same
spontaneous impulse of life which makes one surrender to his master-same
spontaneous impulse of life. We just get sold out to something so
sublime and so divine, same impulse takes the mind to the transcendent
and getting this direct experience of this unboundedness. Same impulse
of life, same tender innocent impulse of life seeking abundance is used
spontaneously in that path of surrender to the master and living that
unified state of life and the same tender impulse of life seeking for
more and more is used in Transcendental Meditation in order to bring
that unboundedness and rise eventually to unity. The same thing, the
same value of life, used in this way bringing the same results; used in
this way bringing the same results.

And this is the greatness of his teaching. This is the fullness of his
value for the world for all times.

The same tender impulse of life to be used by every man in the world
without having anything to do with anything else. Nothing to do with the
master or teaching or anything or anything. Master is all right, Teacher
is all right. As long as one thing has been learned and once one has
learned it is on the level of life itself.

This do it yourself technique it doesn't involve anything
individual, anything other than what he himself is and then brings him
enlightenment right there were he is.

–Maharishi    Guru Purnima  July 8, 1971\

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