Whether we like it or not, the jury heard the testimonies and declared the 
verdict of NOT GUILTY.  That's the American system of jurisprudence.  Zimmerman 
cannot be tried again for the same crime.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...> wrote:
> Zimmerman's first statement to the police:
> 'He puts his hand on my mouth and nose and says, "You're going to die tonight 
> motherf***er". I don't remember much after that. I couldn't breathe. He still 
> kept trying to hit my heard against the pavement.
> 'Each time I attempted to sit up the suspect slammed my head. My head felt 
> like it was going to explode.
> 'As he banged my head I pulled out my firearm and I shot him. I'm on the 
> ground and he's mounted on top of me, I shot him.'
> Zimmerman's hand-written statement read in court:
> 'Each time I attempted to sit up the suspect slammed my head. My head felt 
> like it was going to explode.
> 'I tried to slide out from under the suspect and continued to yell "help". As 
> I slid, the suspect covered my mouth and nose and stopped my breathing.
> 'At this point I felt the suspect reach for my now-exposed firearm and say, 
> "you are going to die tonight motherf***er".'
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2352512/Second-week-George-Zimmerman-trial-focus-shift-scientific-forensic-evidence-try-prove-top.html#ixzz2ZjrBL0VT
> http://tinyurl.com/mok2ykn
> In Zimmerman's first statement to the police, Trayvon says, "You're going to 
> die tonight motherf***er" and Zimmerman says he doesn't remember much after 
> that. In Zimmerman's written statement read in court Trayvon sees Zimmerman's 
> gun and then says, "You're going to die tonight motherf***er" In other words 
> *they both reached for the gun* is Zimmerman's defense in court, not in his 
> statement to the police. My how a story changes when you have good reason to 
> lie.
> Zimmerman is Roxie Hart. She got off for murder too:
> http://youtu.be/SBM82Ju2kJU

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