--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> No one ever gets a second chance to write a first
> sentence, so you should probably do it right. 
> This is especially good advice for those who tend 
> to write posts to FFL that no one reads *except* for 
> the first sentence, glimpsed in Message View. :-)
> http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2013/07/why-stephen-king-spends-months-and-even-years-writing-opening-sentences/278043/
> But it's also good advice for anyone who cares about
> writing, period, as was King's book "On Writing," by far
> the most practical "How to be a writer" manual I've ever
> read. 
> Reading this article I had to chuckle, because I once 
> started a book with the sentence: "If I had better 
> bladder control, I probably wouldn't be writing this."
> It was true, it set up the first story (which set up
> the rest of the book), and above all it captured that
> sense of "voice" that King talks about. I hear all the
> time from readers who picked up the book, having heard 
> that it was about what it was like to study with an odd 
> spiritual teacher. Having heard that, they kinda expected 
> it to be just another one of those "clone" books about 
> spiritual teachers -- humorless, devotional, and above
> all SERIOUS. But my first line made them laugh, which
> clued them in to the fact that mine was NOT exactly 
> going to be like that. 
> So good luck creating your first sentences from now on.
> If you make them "inviting" enough, and infuse them with
> enough "voice," some people may even read the rest of
> the post.  :-)

When I was a student at MIU I often stripped during the flying portion of my 
Dome program while at the same time the women around me...

Did that get anyone's attention? Maybe I should have started this post:

"Back when I was having an affair with this man, that you all know here, I 
discovered something very strange about..." 


 "I have had always wanted to be able to tell someone my deepest, darkest 
sexual secret and it involves..."

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