Thank you for setting me straight.  I will endeavor to sharpen my
writing skills and get up to speed on various literary devices one might
use in making a point.

--- In, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Jesus, where have you been living Mars?
> My comment that "Vaccines are the panacea that cures all ills" wasn't
meant to be taken literally, Mr. PhD. It was in fact an example of both
hyperbole, which is the use of exaggeration to emphasize a point, and
the use of allusion, which is using one fact or idea to reference
another, although it was more hyperbole than allusion.
> I was alluding to the fact that drug companies aggressively and
somewhat deceptively market their wares (both drugs and vaccines) and
using a bit of exaggeration to make the point, as well as alluding to
the deceptive marketing practices of TM.
> If you and feste who seem eager to root out the ignorant and
uneducated here on FFL would spend some time EDUCATING yourselves as to
the use of literary devices in the English
> language, AND educate yourselves about the way drug companies market
their wares you would be much better off than simply blindly accepting
what the drug companies tell you.
> I know that is difficult since you have had a fine indoctrination from
the TMO to just believe what you are told, but a bit of education on
your part on these matters might stand you in good stead.
> I doubt you read all that I posted on drug companies, but my writing
is based on my reading on the subject, various investigative reporting
that has been done in the past 20 years on the enormities of drug
companies, first hand accounts from friends of mine who are drug company
reps and my own good common sense.
> Once again I offer you good sense in a cogent and concise manner,
regardless of what Barry thinks.
> ________________________________
> From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 7:42 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: marshy
> Â
> It is a little painful to say, Mike, that you do appear, as FesteÂ
has said, to be pretty uneducated.  Where have vaccines been
declared to be a "panacea that cures all ills".  This is
your trademark hyperbole, which you likely would not have the
ability to back up. But maybe you'd like to give it a try.
> Â
> --- In, Michael Jackson wrote:
> >
> > I'm not against all vaccines, but I don't care for the deceitful way
in which they are marketed. Vaccines are the panacea that cures all
ills, sound familiar? Wouldn't surprise me if the marketing departments
of the drug companies were staffed with the likes of Neil Paterson - the
TM hucksterism is of the same stripe.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: authfriend authfriend@
> > To:
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 11:22 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: marshy
> >
> >
> >
> > ÂÂ
> > --- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
> > (snip)
> > > He left a carpet of broken lives. This is my opinion. I know
> > > others, including the creator of FFL feel
> differently and if
> > > Alex and Rick want to ban me for expressing what I believe
> > > (which ain't much of a stretch given his behavior) then so be it.
> >
> > As much of an asshole as you're showing yourself to be,
> > nobody's about to "ban" you from FFL for expressing your
> > views on Maharishi and the TMO.
> >
> > That you would consider being banned for doing so even a
> > faint possibility is a very clear demonstration of your
> > inability to think rationally about anything TM-related.
> > (Or anything else, for that matter, given your recent
> > idiotically paranoid tirade against vaccines.)
> >

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