There has been a recent push for humanist chaplains in the United States 
military. Around 13,000 active service members are atheist or agnostic.

> 108
> He who turns toward God will lack for nothing.
> All his sorrow and misery will be destroyed. Similarly, by the association 
> with saints, all the sins, misery, and poverty will be totally eliminated. 
> Taking recourse to satsaÙga gives rise to discrimination. It awakens one to 
> what is proper and improper, meritrious and sinful, dharmik and adharmik, and 
> to cognition of one's duty. That is why one who participates in satsaÙga is 
> saved from adharma and engages himself in right action. Saved from sin, he 
> will carry out meritorious activities. Established doctrine decrees, Dharmeœa 
> pÅpam anudati, that by practicing dharma, sins will be destroyed. Similarly, 
> satsaÙga also destroys sin.
>       The sorrow and anxiety which naturally scorch the human heart are 
> cleansed and pacified by sitting in satsanga and by listening to discussions 
> about BhagavÅn. The inner instrument of one who does satsaÙga will naturally 
> become peaceful. 
>       Through satsaÙga the human being turns towards the omnipotent, 
> all-capable BhagavÅn. One who has turned towards The Lord will lack for 
> nothing in the world, and all his sorrow and misery will be destroyed. 
> Similarly, association with saints will totally eliminate all sins, misery, 
> and poverty. 
> --- In, Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.ravi@> wrote:
> >
> > Buck is, what is known as in the spiritual industry as, the Spiritual Slut. 
> > I have myself in the past talked about Buck's Spiritual Slut Syndrome. He 
> > sleeps with any saint that visits his town he can't help it.
> > 
> > 
> > On Jul 31, 2013, at 11:33 AM, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" <anartaxius@> wrote:
> > 
> > > Buck wrote:
> > > 
> > > 'Signed, The last conservative meditator on FFL like the Last of the 
> > > Mohicans, -Buck'
> > > 
> > > In evolutionary terms, the last of anything means the next step is 
> > > extinction. What is this you wrote about an exemption? Are you on some 
> > > kind of probation? What would a parole violation be?
> > > 
> > >
> >

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