> Another, possibly saner approach, is to have an
> "open life," in the sense that one really Doesn't
> Give A Shit what anyone knows about his life. 
These are just some of the highlights of your life 
that you've posted to the FFL - Facebook and NSA 
have all the details. LoL!

> > > Let's face it, being in a foreign country, you're 
> > > probably getting traced every day everywhere you go 
> > > and every time you use Wi-Fi to go online. Go figure.
> > 
> > As a frequent user of free WiFi, he could be making the 
> > wise choice to use a VPN service to maintain privacy 
> > and security. If he's doing his corporate gig work on 
> > the same laptop that he posts with, I would sure as 
> > hell hope he's using a VPN service!
> >
> Another, possibly saner approach, is to have an
> "open life," in the sense that one really Doesn't
> Give A Shit what anyone knows about his life. 
> I mean, I *pity* the poor spook or corporate hacker
> who gets assigned to monitoring *my* life, online
> or real. Poor fuck is going to die of boredom. :-)
> After all, it's mainly internal -- both at work and
> at play in my cafes. At work, I get input for the 
> docs I have to write mainly over the Net. I then
> synthesize them and translate them from nerd-speak
> into people-speak and write them down. At play, I 
> sometimes do the same thing with trends here at FFL.
> Either way, Big Fuckin' Whoop. If anyone has problems
> with my lifestyle, I sincerely hope that the world
> has not grown So Fucked Up that anyone would have 
> the power to do anything about it. I am essentially 
> a boring, introverted writer. At work, I get paid to 
> channel that talent into usable information for an 
> International Corporate Giant, one that pays me 
> handsomely. At play, I don't get paid at all. At
> least not here on FFL. 
> Quite honestly, I don't see me and my chosen lifestyle
> popping to the top of any Anti-Terrorism Watchlist. 
> Not even any Anti-God or Anti-All-Things-Good Watchlist.
> Except here. 
> FFL seems to be the only place where people think of
> me that way. That's probably the thing that keeps
> me around...the humor of it all.  :-)  :-)  :-)

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