For those of you who seem to relish the idea that 
you're having some impact on your life know, I 
thought I'd make your day and admit that I am 
following your advice tonight, and fucking off. 

No work, just play. "Fucking off," as I interpret
the term. 

But if you think about it, "Fuck off!" seems to have
different connotations for different people. I see it
as a gracious reminder to blow off work early and go
out and have some fun. Others see it as more of a 
negative epithet, a usage that I've never quite 
understood. I mean, when you tell someone to "Fuck 
off!," aren't you suggested that they go get laid? 
And isn't getting laid *pleasurable*? What's so 
negative about that?

Even curiouser is the way that some...uh...more prudish
or afraid-to-rock-the-boat folks react to "Fuck off!" 
In one newspaper, a reporter asked to report faithfully
on what he had heard a famous person say (the two words
in question), he wrote something like, "The honorable 
____ suggested that his debate opponent 'Go forth 
and multiply.'"

That's a good line. I compliment its writer for coming
up with it. It's accurate, while being very funny. 

A less-good line provideth the Subject line of this post.
I'm pretty sure that "Fuddle Duddle" is a phrase the
significance of which is lost on non-Canadians. Many 
years ago, back when I still lived in Toronto, the snit
hit the fan when our Prime Minister at the time, Pierre
Trudeau, turned to a debate opponent in the Parliament
and...uh...suggested that he go forth and multiply, 
but using the real phrase. 

Well, this got picked up by a few tiny news outlets, not
enough to stir up a ruckus, but then one of Trudeau's
PR hacks tried to spin the situation by saying, "No, no.
That's not what he Prime Minister said. He was merely
using one of his favorite expressions, 'Fuddle-Duddle.'"

Can you *conceive* of a less brainful comment than that?
I can't. And lo, as a result of it, the Fuddle-Duddle
hit the fan. Major news media picked it up, it went
viral, and within the week you could buy "Fuddle-
Duddle" T-shirts and lapel buttons on the streets
of Toronto. 

And all because people misunderstand the phrase that 
was supposed to be a euphemism for. It's not negative
at all. It's an invitation to go forth and enjoy 
oneself. So I will. But hopefully without that 
'multiply' thing. :-)

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