noozguru, I figure yahoo got wind of the upcoming FFL Totally Unlimited Posting 
and are freaking out (-:
As for me, well let's just say that it's good that I know how to count to ten, 
in terms of knee jerk responses!

I'm still miffed at yahoo that paging is now a scrolling process that JUMPS in 
the middle of the page and one has to pick an item that is easy to find and 
then backtrack to it in order to see the inbox items that were jumped over! 

Anyway, I'm looking forward to replying every time you write something funny 
rather than saving them all for one post. Like when you said that for the 
geniuses of syntho food their main concern about overpopulation is that they'd 
never have a cheeseburger again. In another post I liked the analogy of the 
spies trying to put the Internet genie back into the bottle. 

Didn't know that Islam is against usery, very interesting. Didn't know that 
more education for women means lower birth rates, good news.

 From: Bhairitu <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL looks different this morning

I looked and didn't notice much of anything.  I don't use the web 
interface but email using Thunderbird where I can organize messages any 
way I want and even have some custom filters.

The screwball thing with the web site is that that the first page after 
you select "All Messages" has them in one order, for instance from most 
recent to older then the next page oldest to next recent and sometimes 
an overlap and not just a one message one.  It's like a programmers 
started work on it but never finished.  I'm sure Yahoo Groups are a VERY 
LOW priority at Yahoo.

And then with email is the failure of the Yahoo server when you try to 
post.  Some folks blame it on Thunderbird but it never happens with any 
other server (unless it is really down). Sometimes it takes 4 tries to 
post the message.  Must be the spy gerbils behind on reading posts.

On 08/07/2013 06:59 AM, wrote:
> Looks like Yahoo has reformatted the way messages appear. I hate it. The old
> Message View seems to have gone and there are other changes, none of which I 
> like.


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