Why do you have to be so rude Barry - my aunt Share may have some issues
but you need to learn to be gentle.

​Oh I love the mean girls :-) - they were so much fun ​- Obba and Ann ( Ann
was so hilarious), but yeah my Aunt is basically clueless like you.

Ha ha - this is hilarious Barry - she is as delusional as you, no wonder it
pissed you off much, really pushed a mirror to your face, didn't she Barry

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 10:51 PM, turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>wrote:

> **
> We get it that you don't care how unintelligent you come across, and that
> you're trying to single-handedly prove the contention of anti-TM critics
> that TMers are blissninnies without a brain cell in their thick skulls who
> will believe anything if they're told its Woo Woo enough. But do you have
> to be such a codependent, attention-seeking masochist about it?
> Not only have you been making yourself the object of pursuit of your Jr.
> High School-mentality tormentors, you've been doing it *purposefully*. For
> fuck's sake, STOP.
> You're even more boring than they are as they chase you endlessly like a
> dog chases a ball. The "mean girls" trying to "get" you are an
> embarrassment to the notion of humans having compassion, but you're an
> embarrassment to the notion of humans having intelligence.
> They're doing this because they have no choice; they're the dogs in this
> scenario:
> [image:
> https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/q71/1002189_10151783564220211_2025423059_n.jpg]
> You're doing it because you're not terribly smart, or interesting, and you
> crave attention anyway. And you don't fucking care whether you drag a whole
> forum down to your level of idiocy to get it.

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