Dear Share,

This is insane - the lengths you have gone to support Barry's sadistic
rant. It's not the facts that we are talking about - your amount of posts,
even I talked about you being unhinged - it is the violence, the sadism in
his post. He clearly has deep wounds related to TM, I don't know his
personal story - the level of sadism in his posts reveals some intimate,
personal wounds related to his involvement with TM and I have no clue what
they are and his post was very revealing in that regard - as in this man,
Barry has some very personal, emotional investment in his opposition to TM
(contrast that to someone like MJ who appears very benign). And that man
later posts that his philosophy is of "Me, I don't give a shit" - hilarious
and sickening. If he doesn't give a shit why such violent way of expressing
his displeasure?

Steve and Susan are nice and they come across as really stupid in their
support of Barry. Let's see what Steve and Susan have to say about Barry's
post. Curtis and Xeno OTOH are not - there's a devious quality to their
support, they have their personal agenda, self-interest in their support of
Barry. It amounts to nothing - several posters here have time and again
questioned these posters for their support of Barry and none of them could
come up with anything convincing.

If this is what you have in Barry's support it is indeed pathetic and

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 7:23 PM, Share Long <> wrote:

> **
> Doc, thank you. Susan is also friendly towards turq as are several
> including but not limited to Steve and Curtis and Xeno, sort of. Anyway, as
> I replied to Emily long ago, what I mean by psychological rape is when
> someone attributes thoughts and feelings to me that I'm not having. turq
> doesn't do that. I guess what turq said should bother me. But he has told
> me to STFU before! He has called me an idiot before and the worst kind of
> TBer, attention seeker, etc. So nothing new really. And maybe he was
> shocked by how much I posted. I was too! Anyway, it's just turq being turq.
> BTW, I don't think of us as friends or allies or anything like that. We
> both like the Minion movies. That's about the extent of what we have in
> common. I come to his defense when people gang up on him. But I would do
> that for anyone because it is a pet peeve of mine. And he has been
> supportive of me when I have been ganged up on. That has meant a lot.
> Anyway, I hope he has a great vacation. And shall we let the river flow
> on?
>  ------------------------------
>  *From:* "" <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 13, 2013 8:53 PM
> *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: An Open Message To Share
> Assuming Barry has everything all tidied up at home, as he often assures
> us he does, and given that he basically lost control of his bowels today,
> Tuesday, indicates that he probably got humiliated in a meeting at work, or
> works for someone who makes his life miserable, or both. Or maybe it was
> just another dateless weekend...who really knows, except that there WAS
> some sort of trigger event...
> Barry is like a powder keg on here, compulsively scanning his
> spreadsheets, obsessively tracking who said what, and in direct competition
> with that persona, he must maintain the uber-cool, global AND glacial,
> Uncle Tantra image.
> Feels like sandpaper inside him, though, the itch he cannot scratch, until
> he finds a target, no matter how inappropriate. He violates all of his
> public boundaries, for his release - He Just Has To Let It OUT.
> And while he is at it, why not kill two birds, with a single stone? After
> all, Share considers him to be the big brother she never had, and is the
> only one here who consistently treats him in a friendly way.
> But this, remember, is Barry The Magnificent, liver in of foreign
> countries, who has screwed more women than any of us can count, and is
> practically on a first name basis with Anybody Who Really Matters.
> So, he thought about the pros, and cons, of keeping Share around. Ally, or
> simply an embarrassment? Pretty obvious what Barry's choice was:
> We get it that you don't care how unintelligent you come across, and
> that you're trying to single-handedly prove the contention of anti-TM
> critics that TMers are blissninnies without a brain cell in their thick
> skulls who will believe anything if they're told its Woo Woo enough..."
> BTW, Share, I think you have an EXCELLENT case for psychological rape, now.
> --- In, "Ann" <awoelflebater@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > >
> > > "The 'mean girls' trying to 'get' you are an embarrassment
> > > to the notion of humans having compassion..."
> > >
> > > So if the "mean girls" wanted to stop trying to "get"
> > > Share and exercise compassion toward her instead, we
> > > should strive to emulate Barry, as he has modeled
> > > compassion for us in this SHUT THE FUCK UP post to Share.
> > >
> > > Did I get that right, Barry? We "mean girls" are an
> > > embarrassment to the notion of humans having compassion,
> > > whereas you are an exemplar thereof?
> >
> > If FFL was anything like the 3D world Barry would be embarrassed to show
> his face let alone continue on as if he did not just present himself as
> just about the biggest dickhead on the planet. As if at least half of the
> readers here are not repulsed by him and the ugliness that consumes him
> inside. It is indeed some phenomenon to watch this dick-wad carry on as if
> he did not just perform the equivalent of raping the hostess of a party in
> front of her husband, take a dump on the dining room floor and kick the
> family dog on the way out the front door while flipping the remaining party
> guests the bird. Barry disgusts me in every way. "Asshole" is too kind a
> word. He can carry on oblivious to his violations, and will no doubt do so,
> until his last, wretched breath.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > We get it that you don't care how unintelligent you come across, and
> > > > that you're trying to single-handedly prove the contention of anti-TM
> > > > critics that TMers are blissninnies without a brain cell in their
> thick
> > > > skulls who will believe anything if they're told its Woo Woo enough.
> But
> > > > do you have to be such a codependent, attention-seeking masochist
> about
> > > > it?
> > > >
> > > > Not only have you been making yourself the object of pursuit of your
> Jr.
> > > > High School-mentality tormentors, you've been doing it
> *purposefully*.
> > > > For fuck's sake, STOP.
> > > >
> > > > You're even more boring than they are as they chase you endlessly
> like a
> > > > dog chases a ball. The "mean girls" trying to "get" you are an
> > > > embarrassment to the notion of humans having compassion, but you're
> an
> > > > embarrassment to the notion of humans having intelligence.
> > > >
> > > > They're doing this because they have no choice; they're the dogs in
> this
> > > > scenario:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > [
>  <>>
> > > 1783564220211_2025423059_n.jpg]
> > > >
> > > > You're doing it because you're not terribly smart, or interesting,
> and
> > > > you crave attention anyway. And you don't fucking care whether you
> drag
> > > > a whole forum down to your level of idiocy to get it.
> > > >
> > >
> >

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