I'd postulate that it's even more fundamental and more physical than that. 
Meaning that between diet and meds and environmental pollutants and stressful 
lifestyles, human brains have generally become more inflamed, MAYBE more likely 
to default to the reptilian mode of functioning. Here's an old but accessible 
article about politics and reptilian brain:  


From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 2:47 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Salman Rushdie on the cult mindset

He's talking specifically about the Islamic mindset, of course, but he mentions 
the sad rise of Hindu supremacy, too. I think it's a broader subject. As he 
says, people in our age have come to identify with the *groups* they feel they 
"belong to." And all too often, they end up identifying with the things that 
these groups *hate* more than they do with the things these groups love. 

How often do you see TMers here talking about the things they love in life? On 
the other hand, how often do you see them obsessing on their perceived 
"enemies?" Just sayin'...


"Classically, we have defined ourselves by the things we love. By the 
place which is our home, by our family, by our friends. But in this age 
we're asked to define ourselves by hate. That what defines you is what 
pisses you off. And if nothing pisses you off, who are you?"


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