You may be conflating the govt's ability to operate technology, which is all 
outsourced anyway, and the ability of a government bureaucrat to explain it. 

--- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> And governments don't get the best people at using tech anyway.  That's 
> why the stumble so badly and make fools of themselves over technical issues.
> As for shopping conveniently they get really screwed up data if you're 
> using the Internet to check spelling and the meaning of a word
> On 08/19/2013 06:38 AM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> > Someone recently made the point that we are willing to give away all our 
> > privacy, to shop more conveniently. We let huge corporations gather, store, 
> > and manipulate vast amounts of data on us, cross-correlating all of our 
> > personal information, in an attempt to target us for future purchases. Yet, 
> > if our government tracks our phone calling patterns, everyone freaks out.
> >
> > I am glad the doings of the NSA are being revealed, but I have also always 
> > assumed that this type of data collection has been going on, by the govt., 
> > for as long as the technology to do it, has been around. Governments don't 
> > exactly shy away from any new means available to consolidate and increase 
> > their power.
> >
> > --- In, "emptybill" <emptybill@> wrote:
> >> Glenn Greenwald: detaining my partner was a failed attempt at
> >> intimidation
> >> The detention of my partner, David Miranda, by UK authorities will have
> >> the opposite effect of the one intended
> >>
> >>      *
> >> <\
> >>\
> >> &display=popup&redirect_uri=\
> >> ook-share/callback.html&show_error=false&ref=desktop>
> >>      *  [Glenn Greenwald]
> >> <>  Glenn Greenwald
> >> <>
> >>      *     The Guardian <> ,
> >> Sunday 18 August 2013
> >>
> >> At 6:30 am this morning my time - 5:30 am on the East Coast of  the US -
> >> I received a telephone call from someone who identified himself  as a
> >> "security official at Heathrow airport." He told me that my  partner,
> >> David Miranda <> , had
> >> been "detained" at the London airport "under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism
> >> Act of 2000."
> >>
> >> David  had spent the last week in Berlin, where he stayed with Laura
> >> Poitras,  the US filmmaker who has worked with me extensively on the NSA
> >> <>   stories. A Brazilian citizen,
> >> he was returning to our home in Rio de  Janeiro this morning on British
> >> Airways, flying first to London and then  on to Rio. When he arrived in
> >> London this morning, he was detained.
> >>
> >> At  the time the "security official" called me, David had been detained
> >> for  3 hours. The security official told me that they had the right to
> >> detain him for up to 9 hours in order to question him, at which point
> >> they could either arrest and charge him or ask a court to extend the
> >> question time.  The official - who refused to give his name but would
> >> only identify himself by his number: 203654 - said David was not allowed
> >> to have a lawyer present, nor would they allow me to talk to him.
> >>
> >> I  immediately contacted the Guardian, which sent lawyers to the
> >> airport,  as well various Brazilian officials I know. Within the hour,
> >> several  senior Brazilian officials were engaged and expressing
> >> indignation over  what was being done. The Guardian has the full story
> >> here
> >> <\
> >> artner-detained-heathrow> .
> >>
> >> Despite  all that, five more hours went by and neither the Guardian's
> >> lawyers  nor Brazilian officials, including the Ambassador to the UK in
> >> London,  were able to obtain any information about David. We spent most
> >> of that  time contemplating the charges he would likely face once the
> >> 9-hour  period elapsed.
> >>
> >> According to a document
> >> <\
> >> le/157896/consultation-document.pdf>   published by the UK government
> >> about Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act,  "fewer than 3 people in every
> >> 10,000 are examined as they pass through  UK borders" (David was not
> >> entering the UK but only transiting through  to Rio). Moreover, "most
> >> examinations, over 97%, last under an hour." An  appendix to that
> >> document states that only .06% of all people detained  are kept for more
> >> than 6 hours.
> >>
> >> The stated purpose of this law, as the name suggests, is to question
> >> people about terrorism.  The detention power, claims the UK government,
> >> is used "to determine  whether that person is or has been involved in
> >> the commission,  preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism."
> >>
> >> But they  obviously had zero suspicion that David was associated with a
> >> terrorist  organization or involved in any terrorist plot. Instead, they
> >> spent  their time interrogating him about the NSA reporting which Laura
> >> Poitras, the Guardian and I are doing, as well the content of the
> >> electronic products he was carrying. They completely abused their own
> >> terrorism law for reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with
> >> terrorism: a potent reminder of how often governments lie when they
> >> claim that they need powers to stop "the terrorists", and how dangerous
> >> it is to vest unchecked power with political officials in its name.
> >>
> >> Worse,  they kept David detained right up until the last minute: for the
> >> full 9  hours, something they very rarely do. Only at the last minute
> >> did they  finally release him. We spent all day - as every hour passed -
> >> worried  that he would be arrested and charged under a terrorism
> >> statute. This  was obviously designed to send a message of intimidation
> >> to those of us  working journalistically on reporting on the NSA and its
> >> British  counterpart, the GCHQ.
> >>
> >> Before letting him go, they seized  numerous possessions of his,
> >> including his laptop, his cellphone,  various video game consoles, DVDs,
> >> USB sticks, and other materials. They  did not say when they would
> >> return any of it, or if they would.
> >>
> >> This  is obviously a rather profound escalation of their attacks on the
> >> news-gathering process and journalism. It's bad enough to prosecute and
> >> imprison sources. It's worse still to imprison journalists who report
> >> the truth. But to start detaining the family members and loved ones of
> >> journalists is simply despotic. Even the Mafia had ethical rules against
> >> targeting the family members of people they felt threatened by. But the
> >> UK puppets and their owners in the US national security state obviously
> >> are unconstrained by even those minimal scruples.
> >>
> >> If the UK and  US governments believe that tactics like this are going
> >> to deter or  intimidate us in any way from continuing to report
> >> aggressively on what  these documents reveal, they are beyond deluded.
> >> If anything, it will  have only the opposite effect: to embolden us even
> >> further. Beyond that,  every time the US and UK governments show their
> >> true character to the  world - when they prevent the Bolivian
> >> President's plane from flying  safely home, when they threaten
> >> journalists with prosecution, when they  engage in behavior like what
> >> they did today - all they do is helpfully  underscore why it's so
> >> dangerous to allow them to exercise vast,  unchecked spying power in the
> >> dark.
> >>
> >> David was unable to call me  because his phone and laptop are now with
> >> UK authorities. So I don't yet  know what they told him. But the
> >> Guardian's lawyer was able to speak  with him immediately upon his
> >> release, and told me that, while a bit  distressed from the ordeal, he
> >> was in very good spirits and quite  defiant, and he asked the lawyer to
> >> convey that defiance to me. I  already share it, as I'm certain US and
> >> UK authorities will soon see.
> >>
> >
> >

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