--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I am afraid one of my worst plot point fears is about to 
> > > be reified.
> I just love how you managed to sneak the word "reified"
> into a discussion group that's been discussing human
> beings' tendency to project their beliefs onto the 
> outside world, so much so that they actually consider 
> their perceptions real.  :-)

Imagine that, what a strange thing for people to do. Gosh, insane! To have a 
perception and to think it is real in some way - outrageous.
> > > Without giving anything away the principles on the show have all
> > > said the show gets much much darker, as each season has. Skyler 
> > > is now firmly on Team Walt ostensibly for the good of the family.
> > > Walt Jr/Flynn has been absent since asking permission to go to
> > > Louis's and stay out late...Junior smoking the blue would crush
> > > Sky and change it all up, again.
> > 
> > That would certainly be a plot twist worthy 
> > of these writers, yes. 
> What I'm noticing is that the writers seem to be 
> "closing the circle" on the title of their show.
> *Everyone* seems to be "breaking bad" now. Walt's
> a done deal, and so was Skyler once she found out
> what he'd been up to and concealed it. But now
> Hank is so OBSESSED with "getting" Walt that he's
> willing to break the law *to* "get" him. And Marie
> is willing to grab her sister's baby and steal him.
> So your plot point fear might be right on, with
> Junior joining the BB crowd soon. 
> Interestingly, the only person so far displaying 
> any remorse over any of his actions is Jesse. ALL
> of the others are so lost in a narcissistic fog
> that they cannot *conceive* of their actions as
> being anything but "right."

I knew it, you were going to just have to fall into your tendency to project 
your perceptions on the outside world as if they were real. Shame, shame. And, 
surprise, it's all about FFL!
> What I'm finding amusing is how strongly Hank's
> obsession with "getting" the object of his obsession 
> parallels the last few weeks (not to mention the 
> last few years) here on Fairfield Life. I'm pretty 
> sure that none of the perps *realize* how badly 
> they're obsessing, because pretty much the only 
> people still willing to talk with them are their 
> fellow perps, but it's been fascinating. The more 
> I "withdraw" from FFL, the more they obsess on me. 

No, the more you withdraw from FFL (you don't seem to be withdrawing, you're 
still thinking about it and talking about everyone here as much as always) the 
less we will likely need to address and correct your misperceptions on the 
'real' world. The only result of your withdrawing completely is that you won't 
be here to talk to anymore. But you don't need to play that game; whether 
you're here or not neither makes you more or less important to anything.
> One wonders what the belief they all share IS that
> causes them to color their own perceptions and 
> shape them such that the "Barry Is Bad" meme has
> basically taken over their lives. 

Ohhh see, you WERE talking about us all the time, not some TV show. I have to 
go now and obsess on you some more; I don't have time to sit here and type to 
> Maybe it's just the narcissism thang again. A 
> fanatical cult belief that "I Am Good And Better
> Than Everyone Else" may *always* lead to having
> to find a target out in the world to be better
> *than*. Anyway, it's all very amusing...

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