> > > > That's it - blame it on the Jewish Cabal. It's
> > > > probably just a false flag event, but who really
> > > > lobbed the WMD in Syria the other day?
> > > >
> > > The NeoCon crime syndicate was out in force on Sunday
> > > trying to sell another war.
> > >
> > John Kerry is a Dem - go figure.
> >
> The Democrats have sold out too.
Everyone knows by now that you voted Dem in the last
elections. You voted for a guy that ran on a platform
promising to bring the troops home. You made a big
mistake, I guess - so why not get some smarts this 
time around? 

> > > Who gives a fuck which religion they are.
> > >
> > Everyone knows that the NeoCon syndicate is a Jewish
> > cabal, you just said so - the Syrians are Islamists
> > fighting a civil war.
> >
> > So, how would it benefit the Israelis to have a civil
> > war in Syria? You're not making any sense.
> >
> The NeoCons are about American Imperialism at YOUR EXPENSE!
You are sounding more like a Libertarian every day!

10 instances when America has intervened, sometimes 
without authorization from the United Nations:

> Wouldn't you rather have good bridges and highways 
> than burning up your tax dollars in some foreign land?
> > > They're war criminals!
> > >
> > So, where are the anti-war protestors now?
> >
> Appearing soon at your local street corner.
> BTW, how's your Ruski?

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