
One of Obama's options is to NOT attack directly but to supply the rebels with 
the needed weapons and ammunitions they need to fight Assad.  He might also 
choose a "no fly zone" against Assad's airforce.  That means, the US Air Force 
will be involved in enforcing this policy.

This could possibly tip the progress of the war towards the rebel.  At the same 
time, the rebel leadership should be able to setup a new government for the 
benefit of the Syrian people.

At this time, Obama is still weighing his options and we should find out very 
soon what that option will be.

--- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> "If Barack Obama decides to attack the Syrian regime, he has ensured – 
> for the very first time in history – that the United States will be on 
> the same side as al-Qa'ida."
> Of course al-CIAda as some of us call it was started by the CIA to fight 
> against the Russians in Afghanistan. Your tax dollars at work proud 
> Americans!

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