> "Maybe so, but ..."
> Yep, yer so concise ... Prairie Dog.
> Snip, snip ... boo who..
> Apparently you don't realize that you've
> been gelded for a long time.
Sorry I hurt your feelings, but you are not supposed
to snip replies, lose the context, and then post 
'Thanks for the reply". LoL!

Also, you're not supposed to be copying and pasting 
whole articles lifted from other web sites. Learn to 
make a url instead. Go figure.
> > > Thanks for the reply.
> > >
> > Does it bother anyone else that the mime is talking?
> >
> > You nerd! You snipped the post sent John Jr.
> >
> > > Much more intelligent than Willy's inane
> > > "maybe so, but".
> > >
> > And, you snipped my post as well. What an newbie!
> >
> > > Back then everyone thought Saddam Hussein had
> > > WMD's and indeed he had Chems but that was all.
> > >
> > > This time the other Hussein shows his "skills" as a
> > > community organizer but unfortunately the tough
> > > guys don't live in his neighborhood. They fear Barry
> > > like they fear one of their innumerable concubines ...
> > > meaning not at all.
> > >
> > From what I've read, not a single Dem member of
> > Congress after viewing the intel has voiced doubt
> > about the evidence of chemical use by the Assad
> > regime.
> >
> > "The Petraeus statement follows endorsements of
> > Obama's measure this week by Hillary Clinton, his
> > first secretary of State; and Robert M. Gates, his first
> > secretary of defense and a holdover from President
> > George W. Bush."
> >
> > 'Petraeus calls on Congress to back White House on Syria'
> > Politico:
> > http://tinyurl.com/krxwcq3
> >

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