> aH The girl was actually Claude  Lelouche's real-life girlfriend whom
> he'Dd asked to appear upon the  car's arrival. Could it be that the
> engine sound track didn't match the  speeds involved?

As the Messy Nessy Chic page explained, the soundtrack was taken
from his own car (a Ferrari 275GTB, seen below), whereas the film
was shot from a big Mercedes 6.9 sedan. Obviously, the Ferrari had
no bumper upon which to mount the camera. ( However, if he'd been
driving it, the film would have probably been seven minutes long
instead of nine. :-)

It was fun seeing what Lelouch was like in his young, wild, and crazy
days, though. By that time he'd won one Oscar (for "A Man and a
Woman") been nominated for another (for "Toute une vie," released
in English as "And Now My Love"), and was probably craving some
of the excitement of his earlier Nouvelle Vague days.

> For time -travel-sightseeing-tour I prefer  Van der  Elsken and
> his 'Stream-of-Consciousness' photobooks of so many world
>  location including  old one (ha- not gor me)of my beloved
> Hongkong  and  Japan "Van der Elsken explored seedy city
> underbellies and rugged backwoods with complete surrender
> to his environment."

Yup. That's what Amsterdam looked like when I first started going
there. Parts of the city still do.  :-)

> Paris

Paris *doesn't* still look like that. I guess fashions change faster in
the city of fashion than they do in the city of hippies.  :-)

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