At 11:53pm yesterday (my time) Judy wrote to Xeno:
> Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything
> with you until you've documented your accusations, or
> withdrawn them.

At 5:38am today (my time) Xeno made it clear that he was
not going to do either, and thus expected Judy to keep her
word and cease all attempts to have discussions with him:
> I did notice that you did not document a number of comments
> you made here. But this response simplifies things immensely
> because if this is true, anything I write to you here on
> FFL in the absence of my documentation here with regard to
> these points or my withdrawing my comments here and earlier
> in the thread, by your own words must stop you from responding
> if you do not wish to go back on your word. Very Robinish!

At 2:28 today (my time), Judy broke her word and wrote to
Xeno *directly*, after claiming she wouldn't, addressing
him directly and calling him "either very dishonest or very

In other words, having realized the bind she'd placed herself
in, she backpedalled like crazy and claimed that she'd never
said she wouldn't "comment" on things he posted. She's NOT
"commenting" in this later reply, she's addressing Xeno
*directly*, and thus attempting to have a discussion with
him, the very thing she said she'd not do unless he did
what she wanted.

In other words, Judy LIED.

In "Judyworld," addressing a person directly, calling them
names, and attempting anything she can possibly think of to
lure them back into an argument is NOT "discussing" things
with them. Doing this with someone who had made it clear
that he was *happy* that she will no longer be attempting to
discuss things with him is -- in her mind -- NOT "discussing"
things with him. It's something else.

Insanity, maybe?  :-)  :-)  :-)

Xeno wrote:
I  did notice that you did not document a number of comments you made 
here. But this response simplifies things immensely because if this is 
true, anything I write to you here on FFL in the absence of my 
documentation here with regard to these points or my withdrawing my 
comments here and earlier in the thread, by your own words must stop you
from responding if you do not wish to go back on your word. Very 

You  are either very dishonest or very stupid. You made accusations
which,  if they were true, you would be able to document. I made no such
I don't think you're so stupid as not to have realized this.
I said I wouldn't discuss anything  with you unless you withdraw your
accusations (you can't document them  because they're patently not
true). I didn't say I wouldn't comment if  I found it appropriate to do
so (e.g., if you make any more false or  insulting statements about me,
I may respond to them). But your  accusations, as long as they're on the
table, have effectively  foreclosed on the possibility of our having a
friendly discussion of  "philosophy or science or music" or any other
neutral topic.
And that's not even a tiny bit "Robinish," nor are you so stupid as to
think it is.

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