--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> One of my complaints is actually the opposite, that she
> actively tries to *prevent* the context of discussions
> from shifting to something other than what she *wants*
> them to be. How many times have you heard her use the
> term "non-sequitur," hurled as an insult, a putdown,
> and a thought-stopper at someone who has read something
> she (or someone else) posted and then springboarded off
> it to a topic that *they* felt was related and relevant? 
> Judy reacts badly to this, in the same way that Robin
> did, and I believe for the same reason. She has control
> issues. She wants discussions to work the way *she*
> wants them to. If they're about an interesting general
> topic and she's managed to transform it into a "hit"
> on someone she doesn't like, she'll declare that the
> "hit" is the "real" topic and try to put down anyone
> who wants to go back and discuss the larger, less 
> hostile, and more interesting topic. 

Since we all know she'll demand "documentation"
for this :-), lets take an example from recent
history. I posted a link to a funny article in
HuffPost about Whole Foods. Only a few people
here commented (thanks) on how funny it was. 

Instead, within six posts Judy had adopted 
an argumentative tone in a thread about a 
funny article, and within eleven posts she
was calling someone a liar. At last count 
there were 137 posts in the thread, *most* 
of them about the tempest in a pisspot she 
created and then refused to let die. 

Can you say "shifting context?" Can you say
"Doing it for your own petty, self-serving
reasons?" I think you can. 

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