Yahoo's been flipping back and forth between the two interfaces
for the last few minutes. One minute Neo, then the next minute,
the old interface. 

The old one is displaying right now, so I'm taking advantage 
of it to send a message. It may be my last before Neo does 
me in, because as yet, in all of the glimpses I have gotten 
of it, there have never been any Reply or New Topic buttons. 
Doesn't matter whether I'm logged in or not. Clearing cache
and deleting cookies doesn't affect it. I've seen photos 
of these mythical Reply buttons in their walk-through, but 
they have never appeared onscreen. I think it's a plot.

I think Neo's out to silence me. For all I know it's in the 
employ of some out there in cyberspace who don't like me 
very much. That's why I'm about to write one last long rant 
to thwart them, before Neo figures out I'm onto it and 
decides to cut me off in mid-w

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