 From: "s3raph...@yahoo.com" <s3raph...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 11:46 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Beast and the unborn
Re Steve Sundur's  "Hey Judy, sorry for any nastiness. Seraphita's analysis of 
the book touched on some of the reasons I did like the book.  Addiction issues 
have always been of interest to me . . . when the discussion of this book came 
up before, many years ago, I was more confident that the modality put forth in 
the book could be effective.":

If we are still talking about Crowley's Diary of a Drug Fiend, I mentioned 
above that he himself never lost his heroin habit. The drug was prescribed for 
his asthma so maybe he never had a fighting chance to stay clean. 

Curiously, I used the Beast's ideas when I quit smoking. The gist of Crowley's 
thinking here is that when a man (say) decides to stop a drug habit (let's say 
smoking) his surface consciousness comes up with lots of reasons - my clothes 
stink/it's an expensive habit/I'm coughing up phlegm/ . . . - but his deeper 
nature (his True Will) is actually rather keen on puffing away. The man has set 
up an uneven contest that he's destined to lose.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law"
Aleister Crowley
(I guess, one his more notable quotes, although I think I've gotten a little 
fuzzy about its meaning)

When I stopped smoking I did two things. First I decided to only stop for a 
week. That way it couldn't be any worse than having a dose of flu and there 
wouldn't be that nagging, horrid thought "I will never again know the pleasure 
of inhaling on a cigarette". Secondly, as I've always been inordinately curious 
about whatever takes my fancy doesn't that suggest inordinate curiosity is part 
of my True Will? So I thought, I'll treat the experience of going cold turkey 
as if I'd just ingested a novel, experimental drug and I had to keep track and 
report back on what the effects were. In other words, I made the quitting into 
a game - and a game that would just be a short, sharp shock. At the end of the 
week I'd (more-or-less) sailed through the adventure and I knew I'd never smoke 
a cigarette again. Hey, maybe I should set up shop as an addiction counsellor!  

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