that is funny

 From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 1:26 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Doc Creates Laughter

One of my all time favorites, especially for Christians:

St. Peter is handling his duties at the Pearly Gates - ensuring all applicants 
are accepted, or sent south - as he has, for the last ten thousand years, or 
so. It being Heaven and all, Jesus happens to wander by, and notices St. Pete 
is looking a little tired. Jesus, being the nice guy that he is, walks over, 
and says, "Hey, noticed you've been at this gig for...millennia. I'll take over 
for awhile, if you like." St. Pete looks at Jesus, smiles, and says ok.

So, Jesus is doing his thing at The Gate, "C'mon in!", mostly. After awhile he 
notices an old guy, wandering around in the clouds nearby, looking out of it. 
Jesus calls the old guy over.

"Hey old timer, how are you?"
"Well, I'm lost"
"Hmmm, OK, what can you tell me about your life?"
The old timer gets a faraway look in his eyes, "I remember a small town..."
"and a woodworking shop..."
Jesus's ears perk up at this. 
"...and a...a miracle!"
At this, Jesus looks at the old man, and exclaims, "Father??!!"

The old timer looks at Jesus, his face beaming, and he replies, "Pinocchio??!"


---In, <> wrote:

Thanks MJ! One of my chief goals in life has always been to tell a good joke! I 
love making people laugh.

- The Enlightened Doctor Dumbass


---In, <> wrote:

I have a friend in North Carolina named Bill, a very fine classical guitarist, 
who is still a dedicated TMSP practitioner since about 1972, I think. He still 
won't accept the idea that Marshy wasn't enlightened and all that jazz. 

I have shared with him some of the stuff I have learned on FFL and shared some 
of my interactions with some of you - of all the things I have told him, he 
thinks it is hilarious that Doc says he is enlightened and chooses to call 
himself Dr. Dumbass - he really thinks that is funny. Says it makes 
enlightenment real. 

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