Austin - It's unclear whether AT&T will try to match Google Fiber on price. In Kansas City, where Google Fiber is already available, Internet service costs $70 a month, while a bundle with TV costs $120 a month...

'AT&T attempts to out-Google Google in Austin fiber race'

On 10/1/2013 11:36 AM, Bhairitu wrote:

France's Free ISP 1 gbps broadband upgrade. Oh, it's isn't "free"
that's just the name of the company. But look at what the French pay for
their "bundles". We're really getting ripped off in the US so that
telecom execs can live like kings. And BTW, looks like Willy is leaving
Austin as it gets 1 gbps from AT$T. Bet the "bundle" won't be $49 a
month though.

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