How One Woman and a Team of Lawyers Are Helping Neighbors Stand Up to
Factory Farms

Jefferson County Farmers & Neighbors, Inc. Annual Meeting

Wednesday, October 16 . 7:30 pm
Fairfield Arts & Convention Center 

This year's annual meeting is especially timely given the expansion of
factory farming in Iowa. 

Lynn Henning, Charlie Speer and Richard Middleton will present what Iowans
can do to push back against factory farms.

LYNN HENNING is a fireball of activism and the winner of the 2010 Goldman
Environmental Prize for North America. Her work led to hundreds of fines
levied against Michigan CAFOs for water quality violations and put her in
the national spotlight. She was featured in the documentary Last Call at the
Oasis <> , appeared on Real Time
with Bill Maher, and her work is profiled in main stream media outlets such
as Oprah's O Magazine
ehind>  and the Christian Science Monitor.

CHARLIE SPEER and RICHARD MIDDLETON are awe-inspiring, award-winning
environmental litigators
<> , protecting neighbors
against loss of quality of life, and winning multi-million dollar
settlements and verdicts against CAFO owners and integrators. Their wins
include a $4.5 million verdict for six Missouri neighbors, an $11 million
verdict for 15 family farmers, and a confidential settlement for 287
Missouri plaintiffs all against Premium Standard Farms. They are currently
representing nearly 600 plaintiffs against Smithfield Foods in North
Carolina and have clients in 7 states, including 4 in Jefferson County.

Jim Rubis, president of JFAN, will present a summary of JFAN's activities.

A Question and Answer session will follow.

We thank our community partners, solar powered Leopold Group Sierra Club,
solar-powered KRUU-100.1 FM, Sustainable Living Coalition, Radish Magazine,
and Little Village Magazine for co-sponsoring this event.

Thank you to all our corporate sponsors: Greenfield Properties . Maharishi
Ayurveda Products International, Inc. . Radiance Dairy . David E. Sykes, PC
. My Therapy Company . Tim and Laya Schaetzel Hawthorne . ARC Films .
Fairfield Accounting Services . Centerpoint Investment Strategies . Ambient
Control Systems . Balmer Nelson Van Mersbergen Accounting Services . Leopold
Group Sierra Club . Green Gourmet . The Organic and Non-GMO Report:
Information to ensure a safe, healthy, and sustainable food supply . Radiant
Health Imaging . Dr. Amber Fekete . Heartland Insurance Solutions . Global
ID . Aeron Lifestyle Technology . Green Building Supply

Visit the JFAN website  <> for more information.

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