Jefferson Bethke appeared on some of the talk shows - author of "Jesus is 
Greater than Religion".  .....(an expanded and more eloquent version of his 
initial video on why Jesus hates religion.) ...
 Reply by Father Pontifex :

 Offhand, I'd say that MZ would support Fr. Pontifex's rebuttal to Bethke.
 A greatly expanded consideration might be something like:   1.  To what extent 
are TM practitioners involved with, or attached to religious constructs or 
belief systems, including worldviews like the Vedic system, or for that matter 
Buddhism or Christianity?  Are such attachments crutches? (a vp expressed by 
one of the claimants to Enlightenment.  Can religious attachment be "dharmic"?
 What value is there is devotion to a Guru? (independent of techniques).

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