Hi Ann. Thanks for all the three videos. I saw them all. Of course I know the 
joy of movement! What did you think? Come on, I have been walking on my hands 
half of my life, as a kid and also as an adult, I still do it! But IMHO these 
are two topics, getting vairagya through meditation, loving the bliss of 
meditation, and enjoying movement, like dancing for example, or any type of 
creative expression btw.. 


 I really like elephants, I was riding on one when I was in a wild life park in 
India, seeing tigers in the free wild life. I was lucky, we saw 11 tigers on 
one day, four of them from the elephant. One time I was walking in a procession 
at the Kumbha Mela, and suddenly had the feeling of a presence walking next to 
me. I looked and it was an elephant. He walked alone, and so conscious in the 
whole crowd, that you would never have the fear he would run you over. They are 
so controlled and gently!

 It's not an either or. Great saints /meditators like Ramana Maharshi loved 
animals and had them all around them. Go to the Ramana Ashram in 
Tiruvanamallai, and you will see Samadhi shrines of his pet animals, a cow, a 
dog, a peacock. Anyway, the place is full of peacocks. But thanks for sharing, 
Ann. I never get any feeling of ill will or aggressiveness from you, besides 
the fact, that we have different orientations and opinions, and I appreciate 
that. I'm sure, if we met outside of FFL, we just could be friends. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

 For I ran a tea house:
 Now this is an example of the joy and exuberance of activity. That orangutan 
is CRAZY!!


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