Let's face it - coffee cafes in France suck. Why not just admit that stopping off for coffee on the way to work sucks too? I mean, if you can't get up and brew your own cup of coffee and have breakfast with your wife and family before you go to work - then life really sucks! What a way to get the day going - stand up at a coffee bar, drink cheap coffee, and listen to a bar maid on your way to catch the subway to get to your cubicle. Go figure.

On 10/24/2013 7:32 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*You "hear" wrong. There's no such debate because Starbucks*

*made no **such announcement and has no such plan. Ooopsie!*

*Barry wrote: *

> I hear that in the US, they're hotly debating Starbucks' announced plan
> to replace their barristas with robots.

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